Friday, February 26, 2010


Where your attention goes your energy flows.

Think about how we direct energy. Goals, playing a game, conversations, at work, relationships, in all cases we are directing energy in some way, just as we do when working out, running or weight lifting.
You are in relationship, business, lovers, parent and child, we focus attention into it, and we are also familiar what happens when we stop putting attention into a relationship. Our spouse become grouchy, our kids angry with us, our business partnership become shaky, and the list goes on. We are directors of attention “Energy in Action”.

We realize that attention causes action. What does this have to do with self-healing, everything.

It is the same when you put or do not put your attention into your arthritis or any disease you might have including stress, ulcers, high blood pressure, over weight and so on. Our attention causes interaction we start relating, we take some responsibility for what is happening. Responsibility often has a negative context in our society it carries guilt; responsibility means the ability to respond, so it has nothing do to with blame.

A story, my foot had swollen especially the big toe, I grew a bunion, the foot was very painful I was on crutches for a while and limping for months. I was tested for Gout all test came back negative it was arthritis. I could suffer, take pain pills, hope for the best, get shots, but I knew that all of these actions would be focused on the symptoms and not the cause. I wanted over the problem not just a band aid.

So I decided to get involved by meditating twice a day for twenty minutes, using creative visualization I imagined energy flowing into the swollen foot, then I would see it normal and healed and especially I would feel myself walking normally. I engaged in the problem, I wasn’t trying to escape, avoid or get away from it.

In our relationships with lovers, children, business, when they become painful, frustrating, irritating we often try to avoid contact, discussion or communication we try to get away from it, we want to be comfortable so we put our attention elsewhere. And the problem often gets worse or lingers as a constant irritation.

When we invest time, communication techniques for problem solving we begin to find solutions.
Back to the foot, during the time I am focused on healing the foot which was close to three months, I experience grief, sadness, terrible feeling of despair. I realized my foot was a metaphor for my fears of stepping out into the world, my anger at not having enough courage and the held feeling of despair that I experienced as an abused child. I also got that my thinking had become ridged with fear just as my foot had become ridged with arthritis. After two months I am waking up in the morning with almost no swelling, and most of the intense emotions were gone. By the end of three months I was healed and walking normally. This was accomplished mainly by “Creative Visualization combined with Feelings” I also did get a bit of reflexology and acupuncture. No pharmaceuticals were used. Oh yes the bunion disappeared that is not suppose to happen by the way. Attention causes action my focusing in the way that I did caused my body chemistry and my energy to go into healing action.

In many instances people do not want to be involved in a painful situation be it a relationship or a physical problem. We try to escape by giving up and using drugs, alcohol, depression and many other means of avoidance. When we take responsibility and respond to the problem now we can focus our energy into healing.

No healer, pharmaceutical or Dr heals us we all heal our self, that does not mean that we don’t enlist the aid of other modalities when necessary, but we respond and get involved in the solution. “Creative Visualization” is we using the healing process on a conscious level. Simply put we are willing to be engaged in the process.

Where your attention goes your energy flows.

The book “Discover The Magic in You Covers in Detail methods for self healing and transformation

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Am I dreaming, am I awake, I pinch myself, confusion, nope I am dreaming and yes I am awake. Lucid dreaming is becoming awake in the dream.

That was and actual experience I had in a lucid dream. Over the last 40 years I have recorded over fiver thousand dreams and many have been lucid, in the lucid you feel awake and very alive able to take conscious control and manipulate what is happening in the dream. I have taught the techniques of dream recall to over fourteen thousand people internationally in a seminar structure.

I remember hearing thirty years or so ago that if you fell from a high place and hit the ground in your dream it would kill you. A few nights later in a semi lucid dream, I indeed fell from about the eighteenth floor of a sky scraper hit the ground and laughed because I realized I wasn’t dead, so much for that myth.

In this article I will share some methods to remember your dreams and also how to unravel the language in the dream to understand its meaning. First dream books that tell you what the dream symbols mean are worthless, they are booksellers and have no validity. Here let me give you a good example.

Many years ago and attorney friend asked me to invest in a gold mine, I told John to let me think it over, that night I did a dream question on weather I should investment or not. In the dream I was running down the street with my pants around my ankles. It was simple to interpret, invest in this and you will loose your pants. I took the warning and didn’t invest, just a few months later the mine became under investigation and all invertors’ money was tied up for several years.

Lets look at the metaphor, loosing my pants, good for this culture and my background, but if I had been from and Arab country I would have gotten something like my oil wells going dry. Dream language is unique to the individual and their beliefs, snakes in one persons dream mean fear, to someone who loves snakes it has a totally different meaning.

What are the benefits of dream recall. Many they are a direct line to your psyche, and also a psychic line to the world around you. From this inner domain you can get answers to problems, dreams can aid you in the healing process, from showing you what is causing the problem to methods and ways of bringing about a cure. Plus its fun to go to bed at night knowing you are entering a realm of real magic where the norms of physical reality no longer exist, and this level of consciousness will give you insights into your own personality that will amaze you, it becomes and inner teacher.

OK so how do you begin to remember your dreams, keep it simple. When you go to bed at night, pad and pen by your side, before closing your eyes write down on the pad, “Dreams, Dreams I will remember a dream and write it down”. That is the first step. When you have a dream during the night and wake up indeed write it down.

Second step, once you are remembering your dreams fairly easily, now write down on your pad “Dreams, Dreams I will have a dream remember it, understand it, and write it down”. Note, the I will understand it, you are suggesting that you will understand and part of the time you will.

Third step, when the first and second steps are working fairly good for you now you can start asking questions. “Dreams, Dreams, I want to have a dream, I will have a dream that give me and answer to, STATE you question, I will have this dream remember it and understand it

Some can skip the first and second steps because they remember their dreams fairly easily, and sometime know their meaning.

Lucid dreams will often come to people who have taken some control of the first three steps. Many claim that their lucid dreams happen later in the night and more toward morning. For me I have had them at all different times of the night. The way I program them is a little different that what I have shared with you here.

Go to my web site at both describes methods for Lucid dreaming, and also methods to understand your dream language.

I cannot not over state the incredible depth of understanding that will come form learning to use your dreams in this creative way.

see the video at

J Dino Delano Go to