Sunday, June 20, 2010


A shift in our perception can cause a major change in our life not just in thinking but also in our outcomes.
Often a shift can happen from something apparently simple.
About forty-five years ago I read a small paragraph that simply said what do you believe is the most important discovery in the world. The finding of dinosaur eggs, the great pyramids, man landing on the moon, no is not any of these it is the understanding that all comes from thought from imagination.
If you had been in the room with me at the time you would have taught I had gone crazy, I was jumping up and down, dancing around the room with such excitement, that simple statement hit me like a thunderbolt of lightening and intuition. I knew in that moment beyond a shadow of doubt that I could create my reality. That took place around 1961 long before that type of thinking was even discussed.
That experience led me to be at the forefront of the human potential movement in the early seventies.
And insight that happened during my early years of teaching mind potential seminars, someone told me about a remote place called Hunza in East Pakistan where the average person lived to be a hundred and twenty years of age. I did some research, found books and yes it was true.
That insight shifted me again to realize that our beliefs about aging were very narrow and limiting. Now at age 70 I still climb fourteen-foot mountains, I recognized that I could be healthy and vital at well over a hundred if I chose to. It is what I call “The Exception to the Rule”.
What we think, believe and feel becomes our reality, if we accept the norm that is usually just what we get.
Over twenty years ago I threw out the TV for me I saw it a waste of time, a robber of my creativity and a mass media programmer. That decision has given me the time to become a published photographer, poet and author of several books. More important it opened up vistas of experience that I otherwise might never have had like doing photography in Burma, Cambodia, Thailand and several other places.
Most humans allow them self to fall into categories the parent, janitor, policeman, principal, software engineer and that image that identification often controls the persons actions and behavior and therefore there reality.
Don’t misunderstand there nothing wrong with being any of the above if that is what we wish to do, but all to often following the rule leads to personal stagnation.
Just the idea to be “Exception to the Rule” can change your perspective can allow us to not be dominated by what everyone else is doing and what others think we should do. Peer pressure robs many a human being of their dreams.
Some thoughts are liberating and many are nothing more than the accepted norm.
A great book on liberating your thinking go to

Friday, June 11, 2010


This technique is so simple that sometimes people will not try it because it is too easy. And to some it seems silly.

I have taught this method to well over 14,000 people in seminars all over the country including Canada.

Ok the next time you have a headache or right now if you have one now, follow these simple steps.

#1 where is you headache located. DON’T POINT, instead go inside and find its location.

Examples: my right temple, just above my right eye or all across my forehead etc.

#2 what is the shape of you headache.

Examples: a knot, about the shape of a ping-pong ball, a small flat plate or wavy lines.

#3 what type of pain is it. Describe the pain.

Examples: sharp and cutting, throbbing, intense etc

#4 What color is your headache. This is tough one for many so just play along if it had a color what would it be.

Examples: bluish, muddy gray, black and ugly, kind of whitish etc.

# 1 start all over again, where is your headache located then go on to 2, 3, 4 and so on.

With the thousands of people I have done this with very few get by a third round, usually by that time they can no longer find the headache.

Here are a couple of stories from over the years. I was conducting a workshop at the Center For Mind Ecology in Sacramento, CA most of the classes there were around forty to sixty people. I would always ask does anyone have a headache so to do a demonstration.

Laura raised her hand, ok Laura close your eyes, where is your headache located, she automatically pointed. I said no don’t point just describe the location, which she did. Then I went on to what is its shape and so on to #3 then #4. We went through the technique twice on the last round I said ok where is it located, Laura opened her eyes and said wow I can’t find it.

The she shared with the class that she had, had the headache for over two weeks and had tired massage, aspirin and acupressure and nothing had worked.

David was a good friend who did a lot of the maintenance around the center, he told us this story.

I was out on the front lawn removing the sprinkler heads to clean them. I had heated one up with a torch to loosen it and not thinking I reached out and grabbed with my open hand, and instantly felt the burning.

I was going to run in and put it under cold water then I remember you said that the same technique we used for headache control could be use on any kind of pain. So I closed my eyes and asked ok where is the pain located, around the edge of my hand, what is its shape, round like a bottle opening, what is its color red hot, what is its pain, intense. I went through it again and the pain had lessened, the third time through the pain was gone and all that was left was a bit of a red ring on my palm.

I learned this method from a Zen Monk, energy is a unified field and within the structure is the knowledge for healing, so when we focus using intent and visualization we often bring about a healing.

The Tahitians have been doing the fire-walk for centuries. In the late seventies two ladies from Russia came over to the US and started teaching people to walk over hot coals, then may others started teaching it and I have personally done the fire walk.

Mind and imagination is very powerful tool when used with the right knowledge.

For more on this go to