Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Secret and The real Work it Takes

The truth and nothing but the truth. Learn the Secret and it will all come to you like cotton candy floating on the breeze. NO it will not. I have seen the best of it, and the worse. Made ten thousand dollars a week during the seventies doing seminars on new mind thought. People sent me money lots of it as gifts. I watched students heal themselves of cancer, arthritis and the list goes on. So am I just being negative, jealous of the financial success of many of the people doing this, Yes and no, yes I would love the financial success, but there is way more to it than that. I am hoping that you think your life is more than money, stuff, big houses, fancy cars. Yes the stuff is nice, but lets put it in balance, in perspective of the whole of life.
Have you ever got your self all worked up, high on a dream, and idea a romance, the right him or her, to get dropped off a cliff. I hope you have, yes I hope you have. Not that I am wishing you failure but realize that failure is part of the process, part of the insight, part of becoming conscious, part of enlightenment, it is the wolf sneaking in the tall grass telling you to watch your ass. Sufi Saying "Trust in God but Tie Your Camel to a Tree". If you get into the new mind thought some of it will work like magic, right now, you will attract lovers, money, jobs etc. You will float on the understanding that we create our reality. Yes and you will say I am of the Gods, and you will be right. well at least half right. The other side of the coin is that there will be area's in your life that will be big time just one hassle after another, failure, up and down and around till you think your worthless, can't seem to get it, you will feel blind sided, feel like you just can't get it. In these places you and I are the most blind, we don't see our unconsciousness, our actions that lead to failure, our conditioned feelings that lead us to lots of missteps in this area of perhaps, relationships, money or interpersonal communication etc. And I guarantee if you are human they exist, none of us came with a perfect house, nor will we leave with a perfect house. But these area of unconsciousness offer us some of the most valuable insights if pursued with out the attitude that it will all come to me easily and effortlessly, we can win in these area's of difficulty when we truly accept that we are not at FAULT, but that we are at a lack of awareness and need to look a bit deeper, get help, sit back have a coffee etc.
The unfortunate part of so much of the people in the new age thought is there are only giving you half the equation. Think on this that if a lot of our idea's were not dysfunctional would we be in the current, financial, environmental, human relations difficulties that we are having. Obviously not. And none of us are pure and separated from some of these dysfunctional belief structures. The garden can not just be planted it must be weeded at the same time, or we will have lots more of what we already have personally and collectively. In American we like to think of ourselves as strong, Independent, stead fast, free etc and the myth goes on. There is only one air, one breath, one sky, one ocean, like it or not we are all in this together, without that understanding the New Mind Taught, The Secret etc is being built on a sand foundation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Don't make your Disease a Pet

Ever notice how people love to talk about their disease, how many drugs they are on, how long they have had it etc, etc, If you believe in the law of attraction you can just imagine what they are doing to them self. Notice how people love the label of their affliction, almost like poetry and they can recite all the things associated with it. No one gets over a label but you can heal the problem.
Conversely the person who has the mind to heal, says things like you know I am discovering a lot of idea's that are helping me to get over this, I am talking to people and reading stories on line of experiences where people have healed them self. Are you looking for more data to support your problem or are you looking for data to help heal it. One is really is very different than the other. One way helps to support the disease the other helps to not just discover ways of healing but also supports the belief in you own healing process.
Michael is and MD and a good friend, I asked him one day, Michael how many of your patients are interested in methods of self healing? Michael is not just and MD with a large general practice but is also a student of holistic medicine. His answer was not a surprise, less than two percent he said. Wow less than two percent Imagine living in this world of information at our finger tips, teachers galore, and most just want the pill. Sad but true, I remember this when I am throwing stones at the pharmaceutical companies, and I do, that the public is in cahoots with them.
I am not claiming that meditation will heal everything, but let me share with you some of things I have seen in teaching over fourteen thousand people internationally. Jill had severe acne at age thirty five, when I returned to Vancouver, Canada three months later it had disappeared, I asked what she had done. Just going to level she responded, going to level a term we used for going into and Alpha state of consciousness. Marie came to the workshop, went through four evenings of it but didn't finish the weekend. Almost a year later she came back through and finished but during the workshop she shared with everyone that when she originally came through she had bone marrow cancer, her doctor had suggested the workshop. After completing the four evenings she then proceeded to use methods of Alpha and visualization within six months she was healed of her cancer. High blood pressure, arthritis, over weight, depression, and so much more have I seen numerous times people with the desire and willingness to open their minds like a parachute heal them self of many diseases believe impossible. You notice I said heal them self, I teach the techniques I am not the healer, the healer is within all of us. You can read way more about this in my book
available at Thank you and good sailing....Dino

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Power of the Concious Mind

The conscious mind, don't you mean the sub-conscious. Yes I know for what seems like forever we have been talking about the Power of the Sub-conscious.
Am I just trying to go against the grain. no not at all. But lets give the conscious mind its place in power.
Being a hypnotherapist for over forty years I can tell you endless successful stories, from the healing of cancer to becoming and all American super sports star from the use of Creative Visualization and using what is considered sub-conscious techniques.
The power of your conscious mind is conscious Awareness, Aware of what is taking place at that moment in our life. I waken to the fact that I am depressed, joyful, angry, discouraged, hopeful. To awaken has nothing to do with right, wrong, positive or negative. To be aware we first must be willing to acknowledge what is taking place. right and wrong judgments about our experience not only color the experience but often cause us to suppress it believing it is a negative. The positive thinker might be unwilling to think or feel the impending deal could go bad, believing they need to stay positive. Here the positive thinker is blinded by their own idealism, the conscious mind was just trying to make them aware of a potential problem.
The conscious and sub-conscious are not separate parts of consciousness it is more the unconscious is a library that records and stores data, feeling and pictures in experiences. And that data is in every cell in our body that is why when we recall experiences when we had sadness we feel it through out our whole body, not just in thought. We have the capacity to walk the isles of the library and pull the data from the shelves. Knowing what we are feeling, thinking etc allows the conscious mind to take action. The data in the library is the data, it has no ability to act but on a conscious level, we can take action.
I had been feeling depressed for about three days, all I wanted to do was sleep, escape, hide under the bed, perhaps you know the feeling. What had been weighing me down was feelings of Powerlessness, feeling that I could not create a positive experience. What I had been feeling physically without conscious awareness was a string of unsuccessful projects that I had been implementing without any positive results. Plus the old feeling stored in the library was my Grandmothers voice saying you will always be like your Father a failure. These feeling put emotion into play, listen to the word, energy in motion and emotionally I was feeling depressed.
Finally by the third day I sat down quieted myself and asked what am I feeling, without much prompting the feelings and images began to come up. Now with knowledge at a conscious level I could take action. In this particular case I used EFT "Emotional Freedom Technique" to get the flow of energy moving again and re-frame the experience. See the the failures as a way toward success, rather than a movement to more failure. Within thirty minutes I was back to being productive. EFT you can learn easily by going to you tube there are many video's up on the process. This is one of mine there are many others, it is and easy technique to learn. Creative visualization is another go to we are extremely fortunate in this day and age where we have unlimited resources available for us to solve problems of this nature. Remember consciously we have the Ability to take Action, that is real power. Take care Dino

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Slowing the Aging Porcess-Becoming Awake

Best method for slowing the aging process.
Not botox, wonder cream, cosmetics or vitamins. Dump the emotional baggage, it will age you faster than toxins, bad food, actual age or miserable people. Emotional baggage is a weight on your back. Look at the people slumped over, bent, slow walk, eyes cast down. Conversely see those with smile, bright eyes, youth in their step. Age has nothing to do with either one, but how we carry the world does.
Some carry it cement in their feet, bricks on their back, led in their belly. Others have only feathers in their backpack. They have the attitude of a sleepy child, do it anywhere. Their worth is not based on money, looks, gold stars or cultural agreement. Their value is in their ability to perceive the beauty that surrounds them, their view is from the inside out, not the outside in.
The light of heart have cultivated their internal garden weeded out emotional crab grass, worthless beliefs meant to control given by the feeble of heart, fearful minded and those who use your anxiety to gather money. Get rid of the garbage mental downloads into your field of Golden Corn.
OK, OK so what now, how do I do it?
Plow your garden, dig it up throw out useless, valueless beliefs, idea's and attitudes. Deeply held religious downloads are a good place to start, guilt being the primary one, shame the next, and also the pesticide of fear. Hey I didn't say this was easy, just worth it. Plowing a field is work. So don't believe all the hoop da la about the Secret, yes what they say is true, but the gathering of just stuff is not the cultivation of a life. Cultivation comes first harvest comes later. Another is cultural attitudes of self worth, if its based on money, stuff, trophy houses if so you will always be short changed, weather you have these things or not. And by the way I am not against money or nice things, but lets put them in their place.
Is the mystical still alive in you, can you see the miracle in a blade of grass, the smile on a coyotes face, the mystery and wonder in a thunder storm.
Do you meditate not to be holly, but to be quiet so that you can become aware of the awareness. Meditate so your body and mind can heal from self imposed stress and anxious attitudes of those afraid of death. Or is it still a quick pill fix that slowly takes your life inch by inch then yard by yard.
Have you had a message lately or are you afraid of being touched. Touch is the hand of God on your body with a smile. Touch is the knowing of acceptance.Touch is love made bread in the oven of life. Touch is your Cat rubbing against your leg or your dog licking your face.
Meditate.............Exercise................Attitude Gratitude
Do these three and much of rest will fall into place including the vitality of youth. Great book that can help you alter beliefs. Take care.....Love life Dino

Monday, August 17, 2009

Fear and Anxiety-A way out of the Box

I personally suffered from a lot of anxiety for years, would wake up with it in the morning. When I went to spend money I would sometimes have to run to the bathroom with diarrhea. Fears of losing money would bring hives, acne, canker sores etc. I would visibly shake in front of and audience if I had to give a talk, I had anxiety plus. How did I release it, by learning to go into and Alpha state of consciousness, what some would call meditation. Within a few weeks of controlled relaxation not all but most of the anxieties had subsided, no more waking up in the morning feeling like something was out to get me. I could have spent years in therapy or taken medicine, fortunately for me I took a program called "Silva Mind Control" that eventually taught over a million people internationally, and I become one of their teachers, and then went on to developing my own seminars and taught over fourteen thousand people internationally. It is actually easier than most people think, easier because it is natural. I have seen children sleeping on a park bench in a crowded park, friends I knew could fall asleep at the drop of the hat, just like a small child. I could spend many words telling you the causes of all this but I will spare you the data. What I think we want to really know is how do I get back to that person who can relax just about anywhere any time. One of the best books out there is called the "Relaxation Response" by Herbert Benson MD, you can learn to do his method within and hour. A meditation program can do the trick. You can get a free mp3 file download from me at a link on this blog that goes to why do these things work so well. Going into and Alpha level of consciousness, meditation etc brings you into a state of homeostasis, in this state your body not only relaxes but heals itself, that it what our bodies were meant to do, get a cut you heal. But often our fears, stress, anxiety get in the way of this natural inner healer. Our lives are full of habit, I learned to be stressful from a very uptight, fearful Grandmother who I lived with, I was on automatic anxious. What going into a Alpha state did for me was develop a
a new habit. What we learn we can unlearn and create new patterns of behavior. The medical profession is often trained to use drugs, which is often not in our best interest. Good luck if you have a question leave a comment. Dino

Crazy Man Dogma

What is the sound of one hand clapping......
The western mind searches for and answer.
The Zen mind sees a beginning.

Positive verses Negative
Reject the frog
And the Prince has no chance

Its easy to say it like anyone else
Just read and repeat

Someone warned me of a snake on the path.
I haven't been on that trail since.
No wonder I haven't had a date.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Rise and fall of Kundalini

In the beginning like a rubber ball up and down and around, sleep like crazy, ecstasy, depression, enlightenment, madness. It is all a part of it, but how intense depends of the persons background, beliefs. I was brought up around a lot of dysfunctional beliefs, a fearful Grandmother, a whacked out Mother; Catholic school one of the worse etc. So I had a lot going sane to do, yes kundalini is a process of going sane. It is unifying force, ends dichotomy, throws out bull shit religious structures, ends political worship, discovers the deep value of nature, sees God in a drop of water a field of wheat, a cats meow and not in a church or a book, this is radical. This energy is not governed by holly men or women, but holly men or ladies try to claim it, make it theirs, it belong to no one one person or group, it is life the very essence of being, the center, the outskirts, in Lions tail, in a Leopards sleep, and Elephants smile. Don't define it, to define it is to wrap the snakes tail around you and strangle, let go, ride the electric, this is the juice of life, the berrie on the bush, the grape in the wine, a bare back horse ride. In time it becomes gentle, hair floating on the breeze, lilies floating on the pond and you become gentle but not suripy sweet, not holly bull shit, but wolf aware......Good luck

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dichotomy the Splitting of the Mind-Kundalini unifies

Should I, shouldn't I, I was told its wrong but it feels right, right, wrong, good, bad. Mostly we never realize that society, religion, education inputs into us what is right and what is wrong. This process of downloading into our brain and mind causes a split in our thinking, called dichotomy.
Night and day seem separate as does love and hate. Wow love and hate, hey I know they are separate, not the same etc. All right then lets examine that belief. When a young child becomes angry at a parent if allowed to express their feelings, it returns them to love, when suppressed it causes distance, as it does with adults when we don't express our anger, hate etc. Anger is and can be a force for positive change, when we realize that pesticides not only kill the bugs in the garden but to some degree effect us as humans, when we realize that the burning of coal not only pollutes the air but also our lungs. One of the main dichotomies about environment is the economy. We see the economy and the environment as opposing each other when in fact the earth provides all of our economic wealth. So we see so many rally against things that would be more holistic for the environment thinking that it is a threat to their pocket book. I was born nude but I would land in jail if I exposed myself in public. So we have a belief that there is something not quite right about the body, I would like to feel good about my body but I also feel shame. How close can I get to my body if I feel guilty about it, how effective will I be at self healing if I am afraid to be intimate with my own flesh. And we wonder why we often feel not connected, out of touch, believe that the physician knows more about by body and what is good for it than I do. The list of split mind is never ending, it is equivalent to a mental lobotomy. we no longer think holistically, we see in pieces rather than in wholes. We loose the ability to think globally, and long range thinking becomes short sighted. A good example of this is back in the eighteen hundreds and owner of coal mine stated he could see that the mining and burning of coal was in the long term a detriment to people and all of earths species. Kundalini energy is a unifying process it works within the organism to bring us into a unified field of thought.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Emotional Hi-jacking ll

Discrimination is a process of higher brain functions where the individual does not think in good bad or right or wrong terms, but more discriminates by the result of out comes.
Most don’t recognize how much of their thinking process has been emotionally hi-jacked mostly by fear.
The recent Town Hall meetings are a good indication of what I am pointing too. All this fear and anger, shouting and screaming about Socialism. The fact is most of those doing all the screaming are expressing learned conditioned fear. Back during the cold war days the US government did a great job of making the populace afraid of Communism and Socialism. With most knowing what it was or what it stood for. And you can bet that at these Town Hall meetings that ninety five percent of the people don’t know what Socialism is, I am NOT touting Communism or Socialism I am simply using this as and example of e-motional hi-jacking. Conditioned fear so now the individual cannot think but instead responds with fear anger and lashing out. The interesting thing of course is Medicare is a form of Socialism, and government’s owned bank’s is another form of socialism.
Ok so what is the point? These people do not have the ability to think. They are responding emotionally rather than looking at facts, results and outcomes.
The weight of the economy weighs so heavy on some peoples minds and emotions many are unable to view the results of coal burning, and refuse to acknowledge that Global Warming exist, it is in fact from their emotional point of view a threat to their pocket book.
When we begin to examine this kind of social conditioning we begin to realize that our ability to see clearly has been stolen, to acknowledge that is the beginning of freedom, freedom from the norm.
Examine your beliefs and you will discover all kinds of emotional hi-jacking, religious guilt which leads to and eroding of self esteem and creates shame physically and emotionally, the social conditioning on the covers of Cosmo, Gentlemen’s Quarter, and so many similar magazines that use comparison’s to keep us ugly, similar methods are used by cosmetic companies. How much are you worth, ten dollars, one hundred thousand, one million, value based on money, value based on gold stars and grades. All of these and so many others accepted social norms undermine peoples self worth and their ability to see themselves in a true light.
Freedom from these conditioned ways of thinking is truly a path to freedom and peace of mind. Most of the anxiety that humans suffer is varying forms of social conditioning that the person cannot possibly live up to

Monday, August 10, 2009


I just had a wonderful phone call, a young man who had ADHD went to a psychiatrist and was told he would have to be on drugs the rest of his life. Fortunately he went to a Zen center and as he says was run by some old hippies and they taught him to meditate. Within a few weeks he was healed of his ADHD. He was so excited he went on to teach the method to many other collage students for a number of years. Jim's story is NOT unusual, the medical profession is taught, trained to use drugs, when in fact things like meditation, Alpha states of consciousness will achieve better results a large part of the time. when you get a cut you heal, that is the bodies natural movement is toward healing. When you meditate you go into a state called homeostasis it is a place of balance where the body and mind naturally heals itself. Let me say it again your body and mind is a natural self healer, get in touch and healing becomes possible.To much of the data served us by media and pharmaceutical companies undermines are faith in our own healing abilities.

Let me share another experience with you. During the years I was teaching at The Center for Mind Ecology in Sacramento, CA we had a teacher from American River College sign up for the week long work shop. Jed was very skeptical and wanted to be sure that if he wasn't satisfied that I would refund his money, and I assured him I would. Jed had high blood pressure, arthritis and was not sleeping well due to anxiety. Within three months of completing the course he had lowered his blood pressure to normal, no more pain from arthritis and was sleeping well at night. Skeptics are the best promoters when something works for them. Jed was so excited he invited me to the College to give lectures on self healing, and because of his efforts I trained dozens of students from the school. Because of cultural training we usually accept that the only way to heal a lot of our problems is with medicine. Holistic forms of healing often offer simpler less costly ways to bring about healing.The real plus is self healing empowers you and you are not dependent upon drugs. I will share a meditation with you go to for a free mp3 download. A great book "The Relaxation Response" by Herbert Benson MD

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Emotional Hi-jacking

Most don't realize how much and how often they have become emotionally hi-jacked. What does that mean? Think of the word E-motion or energy in motion. Our beliefs positive or negative put energy into motion. Believe that certain race of people are out to get you and when you see someone of that race negative feeling will arise. Believe apples are bad for you, someone tries to give you and apple a negative response will come up etc. When I was a kid if it rained hard enough a siren would go off meaning no school, later in years I realized I loved the rain because of this experience, as a kid I hated school.

When cosmetic companies advertise, notice they use what we consider beautiful bodies, faces in the ads etc, they in fact are creating a comparison, and the comparison is meant to make you feel less than beautiful, but if you buy their cosmetic, you get the idea. Pharmaceutical companies suggest that the flue season is coming if it causes fear in the person that can put e-motion into play and open them up to the flue. 911 is famous for the its smoking gun rhetoric and most believed it, and of course no weapons of mass destruction were found. The child is taught to believe that they are not very smart in in English they in fact will act stupidly when in come to spelling and things having to do with the English language. How much are you worth, ten thousand, five million, three billion your self esteem now has a value, or gold stars in grammar school, our value weighed by external comparisons, diminishes self esteem. By becoming aware of the ways that you might have been emotionally hi-jacked you can begin to undo it, the awareness that you have been fed nonsense will begin to undo the hi-jacking. If the hi-jacking has a lot of emotional impact behind it, processes like self hypnosis, creative visualization, EFT can undo the feelings and return your emotional feelings back to natural. A persons family background and attitudes that they grew with will have a lot to do at how much they are affected by this type of emotional hi-jacking. A lot of people have been emotionally hi-jacked by religious beliefs, such you will go to hell, guilt is a main stay of many religions, and that guilt often has people giving lots of money to get redemption. In that sense sins pay a high price. Emotional hi-jacking saps at our energy causing us to feel less than valuable in many areas of our life. If any questions arise from any of these post or in any other areas of self healing or kundalini just leave a question and I will do my best to give and answer.....thanks Dino