Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Don't make your Disease a Pet

Ever notice how people love to talk about their disease, how many drugs they are on, how long they have had it etc, etc, If you believe in the law of attraction you can just imagine what they are doing to them self. Notice how people love the label of their affliction, almost like poetry and they can recite all the things associated with it. No one gets over a label but you can heal the problem.
Conversely the person who has the mind to heal, says things like you know I am discovering a lot of idea's that are helping me to get over this, I am talking to people and reading stories on line of experiences where people have healed them self. Are you looking for more data to support your problem or are you looking for data to help heal it. One is really is very different than the other. One way helps to support the disease the other helps to not just discover ways of healing but also supports the belief in you own healing process.
Michael is and MD and a good friend, I asked him one day, Michael how many of your patients are interested in methods of self healing? Michael is not just and MD with a large general practice but is also a student of holistic medicine. His answer was not a surprise, less than two percent he said. Wow less than two percent Imagine living in this world of information at our finger tips, teachers galore, and most just want the pill. Sad but true, I remember this when I am throwing stones at the pharmaceutical companies, and I do, that the public is in cahoots with them.
I am not claiming that meditation will heal everything, but let me share with you some of things I have seen in teaching over fourteen thousand people internationally. Jill had severe acne at age thirty five, when I returned to Vancouver, Canada three months later it had disappeared, I asked what she had done. Just going to level she responded, going to level a term we used for going into and Alpha state of consciousness. Marie came to the workshop, went through four evenings of it but didn't finish the weekend. Almost a year later she came back through and finished but during the workshop she shared with everyone that when she originally came through she had bone marrow cancer, her doctor had suggested the workshop. After completing the four evenings she then proceeded to use methods of Alpha and visualization within six months she was healed of her cancer. High blood pressure, arthritis, over weight, depression, and so much more have I seen numerous times people with the desire and willingness to open their minds like a parachute heal them self of many diseases believe impossible. You notice I said heal them self, I teach the techniques I am not the healer, the healer is within all of us. You can read way more about this in my book
available at Thank you and good sailing....Dino

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