The conscious mind, don't you mean the sub-conscious. Yes I know for what seems like forever we have been talking about the Power of the Sub-conscious.
Am I just trying to go against the grain. no not at all. But lets give the conscious mind its place in power.
Being a hypnotherapist for over forty years I can tell you endless successful stories, from the healing of cancer to becoming and all American super sports star from the use of Creative Visualization and using what is considered sub-conscious techniques.
The power of your conscious mind is conscious Awareness, Aware of what is taking place at that moment in our life. I waken to the fact that I am depressed, joyful, angry, discouraged, hopeful. To awaken has nothing to do with right, wrong, positive or negative. To be aware we first must be willing to acknowledge what is taking place. right and wrong judgments about our experience not only color the experience but often cause us to suppress it believing it is a negative. The positive thinker might be unwilling to think or feel the impending deal could go bad, believing they need to stay positive. Here the positive thinker is blinded by their own idealism, the conscious mind was just trying to make them aware of a potential problem.
The conscious and sub-conscious are not separate parts of consciousness it is more the unconscious is a library that records and stores data, feeling and pictures in experiences. And that data is in every cell in our body that is why when we recall experiences when we had sadness we feel it through out our whole body, not just in thought. We have the capacity to walk the isles of the library and pull the data from the shelves. Knowing what we are feeling, thinking etc allows the conscious mind to take action. The data in the library is the data, it has no ability to act but on a conscious level, we can take action.
I had been feeling depressed for about three days, all I wanted to do was sleep, escape, hide under the bed, perhaps you know the feeling. What had been weighing me down was feelings of Powerlessness, feeling that I could not create a positive experience. What I had been feeling physically without conscious awareness was a string of unsuccessful projects that I had been implementing without any positive results. Plus the old feeling stored in the library was my Grandmothers voice saying you will always be like your Father a failure. These feeling put emotion into play, listen to the word, energy in motion and emotionally I was feeling depressed.
Finally by the third day I sat down quieted myself and asked what am I feeling, without much prompting the feelings and images began to come up. Now with knowledge at a conscious level I could take action. In this particular case I used EFT "Emotional Freedom Technique" to get the flow of energy moving again and re-frame the experience. See the the failures as a way toward success, rather than a movement to more failure. Within thirty minutes I was back to being productive. EFT you can learn easily by going to you tube there are many video's up on the process. This is one of mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2iZLk73DlA there are many others, it is and easy technique to learn. Creative visualization is another go to http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm we are extremely fortunate in this day and age where we have unlimited resources available for us to solve problems of this nature. Remember consciously we have the Ability to take Action, that is real power. Take care Dino
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