Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dichotomy the Splitting of the Mind-Kundalini unifies

Should I, shouldn't I, I was told its wrong but it feels right, right, wrong, good, bad. Mostly we never realize that society, religion, education inputs into us what is right and what is wrong. This process of downloading into our brain and mind causes a split in our thinking, called dichotomy.
Night and day seem separate as does love and hate. Wow love and hate, hey I know they are separate, not the same etc. All right then lets examine that belief. When a young child becomes angry at a parent if allowed to express their feelings, it returns them to love, when suppressed it causes distance, as it does with adults when we don't express our anger, hate etc. Anger is and can be a force for positive change, when we realize that pesticides not only kill the bugs in the garden but to some degree effect us as humans, when we realize that the burning of coal not only pollutes the air but also our lungs. One of the main dichotomies about environment is the economy. We see the economy and the environment as opposing each other when in fact the earth provides all of our economic wealth. So we see so many rally against things that would be more holistic for the environment thinking that it is a threat to their pocket book. I was born nude but I would land in jail if I exposed myself in public. So we have a belief that there is something not quite right about the body, I would like to feel good about my body but I also feel shame. How close can I get to my body if I feel guilty about it, how effective will I be at self healing if I am afraid to be intimate with my own flesh. And we wonder why we often feel not connected, out of touch, believe that the physician knows more about by body and what is good for it than I do. The list of split mind is never ending, it is equivalent to a mental lobotomy. we no longer think holistically, we see in pieces rather than in wholes. We loose the ability to think globally, and long range thinking becomes short sighted. A good example of this is back in the eighteen hundreds and owner of coal mine stated he could see that the mining and burning of coal was in the long term a detriment to people and all of earths species. Kundalini energy is a unifying process it works within the organism to bring us into a unified field of thought.

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