Thursday, August 13, 2009

Emotional Hi-jacking ll

Discrimination is a process of higher brain functions where the individual does not think in good bad or right or wrong terms, but more discriminates by the result of out comes.
Most don’t recognize how much of their thinking process has been emotionally hi-jacked mostly by fear.
The recent Town Hall meetings are a good indication of what I am pointing too. All this fear and anger, shouting and screaming about Socialism. The fact is most of those doing all the screaming are expressing learned conditioned fear. Back during the cold war days the US government did a great job of making the populace afraid of Communism and Socialism. With most knowing what it was or what it stood for. And you can bet that at these Town Hall meetings that ninety five percent of the people don’t know what Socialism is, I am NOT touting Communism or Socialism I am simply using this as and example of e-motional hi-jacking. Conditioned fear so now the individual cannot think but instead responds with fear anger and lashing out. The interesting thing of course is Medicare is a form of Socialism, and government’s owned bank’s is another form of socialism.
Ok so what is the point? These people do not have the ability to think. They are responding emotionally rather than looking at facts, results and outcomes.
The weight of the economy weighs so heavy on some peoples minds and emotions many are unable to view the results of coal burning, and refuse to acknowledge that Global Warming exist, it is in fact from their emotional point of view a threat to their pocket book.
When we begin to examine this kind of social conditioning we begin to realize that our ability to see clearly has been stolen, to acknowledge that is the beginning of freedom, freedom from the norm.
Examine your beliefs and you will discover all kinds of emotional hi-jacking, religious guilt which leads to and eroding of self esteem and creates shame physically and emotionally, the social conditioning on the covers of Cosmo, Gentlemen’s Quarter, and so many similar magazines that use comparison’s to keep us ugly, similar methods are used by cosmetic companies. How much are you worth, ten dollars, one hundred thousand, one million, value based on money, value based on gold stars and grades. All of these and so many others accepted social norms undermine peoples self worth and their ability to see themselves in a true light.
Freedom from these conditioned ways of thinking is truly a path to freedom and peace of mind. Most of the anxiety that humans suffer is varying forms of social conditioning that the person cannot possibly live up to


  1. Hello Deno, I wanted to say Hi to you and just thank you for being here. I had come across your youtube videos and I was hooked …lol . I believe that I am going thru a Kundalini awakening and I am so happy to have found information on this and now I know what had happened to me. My spiritual awakening began a few years back, about 9 years ago I started my spiritual journey and I wish I found you than.
    Little about me, I am originally from Ukraine, we moved here 18 years ago. So forgive me for my poor spelling, still straggling with that. I live with my husband and son in Castle Rock and I hope that some day I will have a chance to meet you. I love your meditations and all the posts on Facebook.
    Thank you so much for being my spiritual teacher. You have no idea how much you have help me in my journey.
    Much love,

  2. Thank you, happy to be of help. Dino
