Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Am Poem


I am the earth in your soup

The peas, carrots, potatoes and beans

I am the flesh on your bones

Skin of my children adorn your skeleton

I am the fire in your belie

The breath of my life fills your stomach; it is the forge transforming meat from lamb, milk from the tit, vegetables from the garden

Creating the dress you call a body

I am the light and picture in your eye

Like a drop of early morning dew that holds an image of the world in its prism

I am the sound in your ear

The surge and rush of a wave, the howl of the wind, the whisper of moonlight through the trees, the cry of the forgotten, the wail of the suffering, the grunt of the bear, the hoot of the owl

I am the song that sings through arteries and veins you can hear me when you put a shell to your ear

I am the rumbling in the earth

The excitement in your loins that drives you into relationship

A coupling of

Dirt and divine

Love and hate

Misery and ecstasy

I am the perfume that rises from the oil of flowers, the odor of your body in lovemaking, the smell of the burring dead and the stink on your shit

I am the rush of life expanding in the stars and shining in your cells

I am the fall of death clearing a path in the forest with fire

The shadow of disintegration that is the phoenix of your rebirth

I am the mask of a monkey the face of your child, the act of your courage and depth of your fear

I am the play on the stage of life

The script in your book, the poet in your pen, the actions in your step

I am the face in your mirror

Monday, September 21, 2009

Shifting Wealth From Money to Environment

A shift in consciousness is subtle, but that shift can totally alter our behavior. When money is imagined, believed as prosperity, abundance,wealth we think that the more money we have the greater our prosperity, that belief causes us to focus on money as abundance, to give up our dreams our hopes, aspirations for money, and to treat the earth as secondary. When we shift to realizing that clean air, water, environment are the true abundance and wealth of life, money then can be seen as a tool, without all the emotional ramifications attached to it, it is not easy to do this. But with a little meditation on it, to sit with this idea of money as a tool, earth as wealth can bring a deeper sense of peace and way less emotional attachment to capitalism. Without the emotions on money it is way easier to handle and use it rather than be used by it, and the manipulators who use dollars to have us jumping through hoops dancing to all the phony positive thinking abundance Guru's showing off super cars when what we need is no oil consumption. Huge houses when what we need is more efficient living spaces. We are so incredibly attached to money we have lost our understanding that money is a tool, not happiness, not joy, not love, If we believe money is abundance imagine our life with out the wild flowers, the blossoms in spring, a breath of fresh air, the sun to warm our bodies, the animals in the field. This shift is absolutely essential to our well being. Perhaps when we realize that we have been manipulated out our our true wealth we will shift and create that change in consciousness.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thinking From The Premise of Right or Wrong

Lets go at this together. The first time I thought about this it scared me. I felt that without right or wrong as a guide I might kill someone, steal lose control etc, etc. Wow all sorts of fears came up. Only much later did I ask myself why fear, simple in the sense that a lot of my thinking was based on right or wrong. In the process I began to realize that this premise bounced me back and forth between to factions, and those factions were learned, taught. I learned that Republican was good or bad and that Democrat was good or bad. It had little to do with investigation, consideration of facts, in fact it took almost no thought at all, I was free to watch TV thoughtless. Yes I am being a wise ass, but I sure you get the point.
What is self trust based on? My or your ability to think make decisions and learn from those decisions. Right or wrong gives little choice mostly it is a this or that, heaven or hell. It should be obvious to us that Republican and Democrat are not that much different if at all except in words and names. If we look carefully at religious beliefs such as Christian or Hindi most think them different. But on closer examination we see one has sin the other karma, one has heaven the other nirvana. Different words same concept. I certainly am not telling you what to believe, I am saying without the crutch of right or wrong we can find another place of understanding. And that place is often referred to as the still place within. When we discover that there are answers within us without the engagement of right or wrong it is a liberation, we are now free to examine, question and yes make mistakes, mistakes without the guilt of have not followed the the prescribed way of thinking and in this comes self trust. Trust must be based on the connection that we have to the Universe to the source, by trusting we learn to find our way through the woods, we learn to trust in our intuition, we learn that there is more than conditioned thought.One last point much of this good or bad type of thinking is conditioned into us, restricting the emotions, limiting expression, emotional health is impaired, emotional freedom controlled by the creators a specific right or wrong. Dino Delano

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Money And Emotional Intelligence

I will first help you understand what emotional intelligence is. Second we will see how our emotional conditioning effect our out comes in life. Last but not least I will give you practical methods that will help you regain you emotional freedom.
Money responds to us dependent on what we emotionally believe consciously and unconsciously. Emotion is the horse pulling the cart of belief. Detach the horse and the beliefs have no movement no motivation, we are detached. Emotions are the juice, the electricity in the body. The electric circuitry, energy field, the aura is another expression of you in a physical body. Energy in a body is called emotions, in a body the energy is now organic it has movement like and ocean, river etc. We feel it as excitement, dread, fear, desire and a host of many other feelings. Change belief and emotions will change its expression its character its attitude. The person who hates money or a certain race of people will push away, create attitudes about white people or money in general. They will have very little ability to think intelligently, unable to vary action or act spontaneously. Action is most often ridged, reactionary. In the case of money or loosing a job could mean anger, depression, fear or going out and getting drunk, a lack of creative response. Simply put their emotions have been conditioned into a response that does not bring a satisfactory result. Their health could be effected with stress, arthritis, why arthritis? Ridged thinking ridged body, fear often causes freeze up in the body, sometimes resulting in arthritis.
Looking at the world around us we discover the pollution of air, water, food the very fabric of what sustains us is being treated with a lack of caring and respect. And this is a result of beliefs powered by emotions that are dysfunctional because of the beliefs that propel them. As we reprogram our beliefs the world around us changes according to our emotional response to it. Our personal life and the world around us is a direct reflection of our beliefs, which are mostly unconscious. Unconscious because we have forgotten what we believe. Its like driving a car or riding a bicycle you don't think about it you just do it, like walking. But at some point in your history you learned to walk, ride a bike the memory of it now put away in that library we call the unconscious. The information about why money or relationships act in a particular way in our life is not hidden as many would have you believe. Of course if you believe its hidden then it is. Our mind and body act according to our beliefs. Believe that every winter you get a cold and indeed you will, where a neighbor of yours never gets a cold or only in the spring.
Emotional intelligence then is being free of conditioned responses, to money, health issues, relationships, the whole of our life is governed by belief. That is your power the ability to actually alter your life experience by changing your beliefs. What many do not understand, is that it is just as important what you take out as to what you put into the download data base of your mind. Try putting in to consciousness health and vitality while at the same time believing that nature is out to get you, or that like your mother you are going to have arthritis. Disease has little to do with genetics and more to do with the genes of your thinking, conscious and unconscious.
Weed first then plant, any good gardener will tell you this. They would think us fools to plant in a plot full of weeds. What happens when we download new software in with dysfunctional programs we a jam up. Which is why in a computer it deletes the old program in the process of downloading the new one. In terms of consciousness we get a dichotomy one part of our mind battling with the other. A simple example of a dichotomy, you really want to take that vacation to Hawaii and you can afford it, but you have all that practical programing that tells you that you shouldn't be such a spend thrift, save for a rainy day etc. You really hate your job and this sales job is so appealing and its something you really like but its mostly commission, your parents taught to be secure, don't risk, look what happened to your uncle Harry. Sometimes our emotional intelligence wins out with its intuitive feelings, but most often not. And emotional intelligence goes out the window. So many of the the new age guru's push The Law of Abundance with out telling people that it is necessary to weed their garden, of course that wold make it appear like work, which of course it is. Be a good gardener weed first than plant. By taking the time to become aware of what you currently believe your new programing will work much faster and with way more efficiently.
Methods to release old programs EFT, emotional freedom technique, you can view the method on youtube and its easy to learn. Silva Mind Control is another great method. My book is excellent I cover the bases of programing and releasing old dysfunctional belief structures, available at if you have a question post it as a comment on this blog and I will get back to you. Dino Delano

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is Positive Thinking Postivie or White Wash

Without truth, it is not possible to respond with positive action. Without the knowledge that the drinking water contains poison, people die, without realizing that we are being sold a house with a shoddy foundation we end up with a broken home. Knowledge of a disease is not a negative it is a possible positive when responded to in a positive way.
But all to often positive thinking is a white wash. "The Law of Abundance" without the awareness that it is work. Not just in the daily reconditioning the mind for riches but also that often resistance will come up from patterns of negative feelings about abundance. And to gather wealth without a sense of environment and the connection of all species living on the planet, now we have a Monsanto who tries to control food production for their own profit and a news media who hides the truth to guard its advertisers. We at this moment in history are in grave danger of loosing the environment that supports us in every way we can imagine, food, water, oxygen, housing, beauty, connection to the deep mysteries of life. And we still have the motivational Prophets selling us the big houses and slick cars. This at best a lack of responsibility and at worst a blind fold on the innocent, thinking they are now in the fold of Higher Consciousness. Not realizing that by using the VERY powerful tools of creative visualization without consideration for all life are not adding to abundance but are in fact taking from it. If capitalism does not evolve into a prosperity that supports not just the human race but all species we are doomed not to just failure, but to extinction. Nature is in charge not arrogance of our beliefs.
I have taught systems like Silva Mind Control, Mind Potential Seminars, gestalt, EFT, etc. And have seen miraculous healing in numerous ways, I have watched those is poverty become wealthy, but that was yesterday, when most of us thought that we were living in and endless pipe of supply, never ending resources. Now we know better we are seeing water in parts of the world, in cities that is not drinkable, poisoned by our own hand. Air quality that enhances asthma and many other respiratory problems. And we beg for money for scientific research to solve problems we are creating.
Teaching positive thinking without knowledge of environment is criminal and a disregard for intelligence not acknowledging that the two can and must work together. Most of the desire for money is based on emotional conditioning that money makes us valuable, desirable, worthy, our self esteem is mostly based on how much are you worth, how sad, but how true. And many go to their death bed not penniless but without the satisfaction of having felt worthy and valuable within themselves as a human. This is our social conditioning, and that conditioning drives us to squander the earth, the actual riches we were born with. So the next time we buy into "The Law of Abundance" hopefully it is with a larger picture and understanding of wealth is. Dino Delano See the book "Discover The Magic"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Your Mind as Healer-Using E-Motion

You know I realize this is tough. You have been conditioned since you were a kid to not trust in your own mind and Body. First your body is NOT out to get you. If that were the case when broke a bone, get a cut you would not heal. Second when people are scared, frightened it can slow the healing process even stop it. In a state of fear our energy, blood supply go to the extremities to prepare for flight or fight, and the brain goes into survival mode and does not think rationally. The media, pharmaceutical companies do there best to use fear as a motivator, it sells drugs and we become less efficient mentally and physically.
Your body needs your cooperation the best way to do that is to relax, and the best method to achieve relaxation is learn to meditate. Meditation brings you into a state of homeostasis or often called and Alpha brain wave. In that state of consciousness you body heals naturally, easily when there is no threat. Plus if you want to speed up the healing process you can use Creative Visualization to enhance the healing process. Use E-Motion in the meditative state, use feeling, feel your self healthy and vital, recall times when you have felt vigorous, put emotion to work for your benefit. How powerful are your feelings, emotions yes very powerful, use them creatively. Look up Dr Carl Simonton and his us of Creative Visualization for healing cancer
Some of the methods he uses is techniques I taught to over fourteen thousand people internationally. I find that the biggest challenge is getting people to believe in their own healing power, we as a culture gave it up to the medical establishment, and in the process lost our natural intuitive connection to mind and body. But you can through reading, meditation, self empower regenerate your connection to yourself. Great book along these lines is “Coyote Medicine” by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD go to for a free meditation mp3 file. “The Relaxation Response” is another great book by Herbert Benson, MD once you begin to get a hand at all of this you will no longer allow media madness to control your life. Who’s life is it any way. Dino Delano

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Let your imagination heal you. I Jest not. People liberate them self with imagination, and also kill them self with imagination. Joe goes to the doctor and gets a diagnosis of death in six month the greater likely hood is that he dies, now some don't buy into the diagnosis, and live fiver more years or get over the problem entirely. What matters most is you and your imagination. Learning to use it to your benefit can heal you, better said when you use it purposefully your putting your personal power into play and sending healing energy to your body.
So how do I do this, Story first. Some time ago I got rheumatoid arthritis my foot grew a bunion and I limped with pain. Now if you go back into my history you would find that my Grandmother had rheumatoid arthritis so bad she was often crippled by it and could not walk. Some would say it was genetic, which is scientific nonsense. The genetics were passed to me by emotion, what I learned from my Grandmother was to fear everything, fear causes restriction, coldness in body and mind. Ridged mind ridged body, body and mind are one.
What I did was use my imagination, even though I was limping I imagined I was walking perfectly. Now this was not easy, it took a lot of encouragement on my part to get my mind to imagine walking normal while limping but after a few times it got easier. Twice a day I would go into a meditative state and feel my self walking, hiking and doing the things that a healthy person does. Notice I said FEEL rather than imagine. Feeling it is more important than just imagining it, and feeling for most people is easier than seeing it in imagination. I sometimes got worse, and sometimes better, but I persisted. I also examined my beliefs, discovering a lot of fear about stepping out into the world, in my case changing occupations, quitting a job I hated. I used similar techniques to bolster up my confidence my feelings about being able to make change. It took over ninety days but I healed and interesting enough, but no surprise to me the bunion disappeared.
Your mind is the healer use it creatively, if your having a problem with a disease, find a doctor who is open to holistic healing, then put your mind to work. See and in particular FEEL your self in vibrant health. And in many cases you also need to examine how you created the problem. Taking responsibility does not mean taking on guilt, responsibility is the ability to respond to take action. To do something positive to solve the problem physically and emotionally. Your emotions are not separate from your body. If they were separate when you went to a movie with lots of Acton, suspense, fear etc your body would not respond, but it does, Body and emotions are one. Hate a job, if we don't take some positive action often our emotions will do things to cause us to quite, get fired, get sick etc. Better to do it consciously saves a lot of problems. The book "Creative Visualization" is excellent also my book "Discover the Magic in You" covers in detail methods of self healing and lots of stories of people who have used the methods to heal them self. Available at
In addition to using feeling and visualization make a list of times when you felt really good, vibrant alive having fun. At first your list might only be three or four experiences but within days you will have a page full. Read this list before going into meditation, it helps to carry the felling of vibrancy into the meditative state, read it just before going to sleep, and again when you wake up, persist, trust in you body and mind. Read experience of other people healing them self of the same problem that you have. You can win at this......go to