You know I realize this is tough. You have been conditioned since you were a kid to not trust in your own mind and Body. First your body is NOT out to get you. If that were the case when broke a bone, get a cut you would not heal. Second when people are scared, frightened it can slow the healing process even stop it. In a state of fear our energy, blood supply go to the extremities to prepare for flight or fight, and the brain goes into survival mode and does not think rationally. The media, pharmaceutical companies do there best to use fear as a motivator, it sells drugs and we become less efficient mentally and physically.
Your body needs your cooperation the best way to do that is to relax, and the best method to achieve relaxation is learn to meditate. Meditation brings you into a state of homeostasis or often called and Alpha brain wave. In that state of consciousness you body heals naturally, easily when there is no threat. Plus if you want to speed up the healing process you can use Creative Visualization to enhance the healing process. Use E-Motion in the meditative state, use feeling, feel your self healthy and vital, recall times when you have felt vigorous, put emotion to work for your benefit. How powerful are your feelings, emotions yes very powerful, use them creatively. Look up Dr Carl Simonton and his us of Creative Visualization for healing cancer www.simontoncenter.com
Some of the methods he uses is techniques I taught to over fourteen thousand people internationally. I find that the biggest challenge is getting people to believe in their own healing power, we as a culture gave it up to the medical establishment, and in the process lost our natural intuitive connection to mind and body. But you can through reading, meditation, self empower regenerate your connection to yourself. Great book along these lines is “Coyote Medicine” by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD go to http://www.coolzenmagic.com for a free meditation mp3 file. “The Relaxation Response” is another great book by Herbert Benson, MD once you begin to get a hand at all of this you will no longer allow media madness to control your life. Who’s life is it any way. Dino Delano

Very thoughtfull post on creative visualization.It should be very much helpfull
Karim -
Positive thinking