Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Healing Depression

Having have spent over six years in deep dark depression, I had a lot of motivation to discover how to heal.

I will take you through step by step from how we create depression to simple methods to undue this terrible thief of aliveness.

Genes, heredity, or what you eat does not cause depression it is caused more by what is eating you and the belief systems that you have inherited, learned, and many attitudes that have become unconscious.

When we learn how our thoughts and actions help to create this problem we are well on our way to healing this in a natural way without drugs. Drugs only mask the problem, not eliminating the underlying cause. Remove the cause and body mind will naturally heal itself.

There are many things that set a person up for depression, in my case a child hood with a lot of psychological abuse. The set up is different for different people, it could have been the exposure to and alcoholic parent, living in a threatening environment, and the ways are many.

Depression is a feeling of powerlessness, and that feeling steals our motivation, robs us of the natural desire to live, create, discover. We feel powerless to act, leading to over sleeping, use of drugs, anger and many other forms of dysfunctional behavior.

How we respond to this feeling of powerlessness can often exacerbate the downward spiral. My personal response was to look for what I would call the idealized belief, in my case positive thinking, for some it would be religion, or some philosophy. In my idealized belief I was going to heal the world, so I would go from depression to a high. With positive thinking I would tech it to the world, and all would be well. I in fact did teach it to over fourteen thousand people internationally. Over the twelve year period that I did this I almost never felt satisfied with my work, even though I had become well know in the field of human potential, a public national TV figure, a published author, I had indeed helped many to heal a large number of both physical and emotional problems, and yet I often had the feeling that I was not doing my best, not good enough, not reaching enough people. This eventually led to burn out and many years in the depth of depression.

What I have just explained is not uncommon; many who are depressed are also high achievers, idealist, and perfectionist. The perfectionist is the perfect set up for depression, they are never good enough, and so they continually fall into feelings of powerlessness. The religious person who believes there particular belief will save the world or have idealized that being perfect like Jesus Christ and if just everyone would believe in their philosophy, set themselves up for a fall into those feelings of powerlessness.

Another response of the depressed is anger, anger at themselves for being such a failure, or anger at the world for being so stupid and not seeing how their religion or philosophy could liberate them. In the extreme we see philosophies that have gone about the world preaching and changing and more often than not creating problems that prior were nonexistent.

Step one, discover how you are making yourself feel powerless, take a close look at your beliefs. Feelings follow belief; find what is in your thinking and actions, to drive you into depression. Look at your ideals are they realistic, or are they based on a belief that you have not examined for its validity. Are you trying live up to a religious ideal that is not possible, and in the process berating yours self for being less than perfect. Are your goals realistic, are you trying to create something without proper preparation, getting the education you need to do the job. Do you have and old voice that continually tells you are not valuable, you will never succeed.

Step two, learn to meditate, meditation will bring you into a state of homeostasis, in a state of balance mind and body heal, we think more clearly, it will also help you to detach from emotional demands that your beliefs may have put on you, this will ease any stress that you might be experiencing from beliefs that demand that you be perfect, perform always at your best, and so on cause stress in your mind body system.

Step three, exercise will do similar as to what meditation does plus help you integrate new attitudes into your thinking process. It isn’t you head that thinks and believes it is your whole body,

Yoga, “The Five Tibetans” you can find the Tibetans on the internet, Ti Chi is excellent, also Ti Chi Cha a very simple form developed by Justin Stone, and can be found on the internet.

Just to emphasize what I said earlier drugs do not heal, in fact they often ad to your feeling of powerlessness, Healing your self will give you a direct knowing of the natural healing properties of the mind body, and also instill a sense of thrust in your humanness and its ability to move toward health and well being.

Step four; some beliefs become deeply wired into the system, self-hypnosis, hypnosis, EFT are terrific modalities to bring about positive change. My favorite which I taught in depth for many years is “Creative Visualization” I taught this to many amateur and professional sports people.

I can give you the information, but of course I cannot do it for you, that is in fact what we are often looking for when we allow our self to use drugs to solve a problem that is not a disease.

I hope this is of benefit, you can contact me through my web site at and the book “Discover the Magic in You” contains many of the techniques I have described.

J Dino Delano

Friday, January 22, 2010

Kundalini A Tool of Evolution

Kundalini is a tool of evolution, in that it evolves us as humans into something different than we are at the present moment.

Lets take a look at the evolvement of consciousness just in the last forty years.
Back in the late sixties and early seventies their was and explosion of awareness that our thoughts and imaginings created our reality. Yogis at the Menninger Foundation where showing us how they could control heart beat, blood pressure, literally stop their heart, control pain and a number of other physical functions once taught only controllable by the subconscious mind.

Uri Geller was bending spoons, stopping watches in research at The Institute of Noetic Sciences that was brought into being by Edgar Mitchell the sixth astronaut to touch down on the moon.

Silva Mind Control came into being around the same time, Mind Dynamics, Mind Potential Seminars which I created, and a host of other modalities teaching people how to create their reality through thought and creative imagination.

All this was new to us but not to history, the mystery schools of the Egyptians was similar, Rosicrucian’s taught a process of mind control and creation. And here we were experience information that had been hidden for centuries and now was available to anyone who had the desire to learn, you had to have been there to know how exciting this was to begin to realize that we were not controlled by our past, that we were literally free to be and create and we wanted, our dreams could be made to come true.

We could no longer blame God or our past, the world was a mirror of our beliefs; it was a major jump in conscious awareness. The Buddha was coming awake in humanity.

So now some of us began to understand that we are the creators and co-creators of our reality. The next step in evolution was already brewing. Krishnamurti was on the scene teaching that we were not our thoughts, not the content of our mind, not the data going through our heads or the beliefs that we often would fight to defend. There are many current speakers on this realization including myself.

It is the next step in the evolvement of consciousness the next jump in evolution. To not just believe but to know that we are not the content of mind, in real terms this means freedom, peace of mind. It is the thoughts within us that create worry, stress, fight or flight out of imagination when no threat exists.

It is and end to the reactive mind that will fight to defend a belief, it is freedom from the known, the end of a consciousness that wants to fight fear with war, we begin to move into a proactive form of thinking, a cosmic awareness of Discrimination. We are no longer ruled by right, wrong black and white thinking.

In this stage of realization it is obvious that using history to respond to a present situation only creates more of the same. As in more war creates more terrorists, a never-ending circle of the same.

Peace of mind is achieved because we are no longer reacting to content. When we are in content, it is like the bucket believing it is the water in it, or a person believing they are the clothes they are wearing.

This is liberation, the freedom to create fresh in the present no longer tied to the past.

Kundalini is the igniter, the fire that brings light, energy to consciousness and expands awareness.

The book “A Seekers Journal” is the story of one persons awakening process, it is the story of evolution in the making.

"A Seekers Journal" and authentic experience in the opening of kundalini

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Long Term Result of Kundalini

The Long Term Result of Kundalini

Thirty-five years ago I could not have written this article, but now after forty years of experience in the current, this is a bit of what I will share with you at this time.

Beyond the mystery the excitement, the hoop de la, what does kundalini bring to us as human beings?

It means going from one hundred and ten volts of electrical power to three hundred and twenty volts of juice, yes it means tripling your voltage out put.

What does that give you in real terms? It gives you more vitality, greater awareness including a more direct intuitive response with nature and all life forms. In simple terms you are now connected you begin to have direct knowledge of what is happening in your environment.

A slowing of the aging process and a greater clarity of mind, no longer controlled by emotional backed dysfunctional belief systems, releasing beliefs and emotions that siphon your energy and vitality.

A direct knowing that you are connected to the center, to the heart of life, you will no longer feel separate or disconnected.

A deep understanding and knowing of what is truly valuable no longer controlled by commercially based value systems.

The more power that you can put into the light bulb the brighter the light, Kundalini not only infuses body mind with more energy but also prepares and rebuilds the body mind nervous system to be able to handle the increased voltage. The long periods of sleeping are a part of this rebuilding process.

The feelings that one is going crazy is a melting of emotional backed dysfunctional beliefs, A riding of the feeling that there is something wrong with you.

One of the major changes is and understanding that we as humans are not the content of the mind, we are not our beliefs, that knowledge alone is worth going through this process. This indeed is liberation, freedom from the known.

Kundalini is often a difficult process but well worth the ride. Going sane and peace of mind are in large a major part of the energetic process.

The book “A Seekers Journal” is and authentic experience in the opening of kundalini

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Avatar Movie - Kundalini-Opening of Consciousness

Avatar Movie-Life Energy and the movement of Kundalini

The Avatar movie does a great job in depicting the energy web of life; the surrealistic forms give one the feeling that everything is connected.
And indeed it is, our human nervous system connects to the vibrant energetic force of all life, a good example of this is, that there is only one breath. Think about this for a minute that the breath you take is the very same breath taken in by a merchant in New Deli, India.

Your nervous system communicates with a unified field of energy. The physicist will tell you that the field of life energy is one just as there is only one sky.
We are and interdependent function called human within the whole of life. We drink the earth’s water; eat the food produced by the land, breath the oxygen manufactured by the environment.

Most belief systems sever the connection to the web in the sense that we are not aware of how we intercommunicate with life. Most religions and cultural beliefs do not encourage the intuitive, the psychic thinking it some form of voodoo or aberration.
Here is a good example of a belief system that severs our connection to the life force, is the belief that we are born wrong; in original sin that there is something intrinsically wrong with us that needs to be fixed. That premise is liken to the foundation of a house, a foundation of belief that states that we are wrong causes the individual to be continuously be looking for something wrong within them self and to develop intellectual beliefs to solve the problem, such as religious and psychological ideology's, it becomes a never ending circle of trying to fix oneself or others in order to feel right or whole, of course it never works, this is also one of the main premises of war, believing that we can right the world by making it into our image or idealized notion of what it should be.

One of the main ways of gaining information and knowledge of the environment is through intuition. The great biologist George Washington Carver who discovered over three hundred uses for the peanut stated much of what he discovered was through intuition, a similar idea was stated by Jonas Saulk the man who discovered the Polio vaccine.

Your intuition is non the verbal mode of consciousness that intercommunicates with all of life. Some get information through dreams, feelings, and hunches of impending danger. Kundalini energy is a process of radical transformation that changes the mental structure in a way that we become aware of our connection to the life force.
Kundalini energy is a unifying field of energy, the opening of this system often taught through yoga techniques, but is also a result of meditation, development of intuition, mind control etc. It not part of a religion but has often been adopted by some religious practices.

To sum up, yoga, bodywork, meditation, and close examination of ones belief structures will help to open the mind body system up to and infusion of more life energy, causing a higher level of awareness. Kundalini is a process of bringing us back into harmony with the natural flow of life. Read more in “A Seekers Journal” and authentic experience on the opening of kundalini