Kundalini is a tool of evolution, in that it evolves us as humans into something different than we are at the present moment.
Lets take a look at the evolvement of consciousness just in the last forty years.
Back in the late sixties and early seventies their was and explosion of awareness that our thoughts and imaginings created our reality. Yogis at the Menninger Foundation where showing us how they could control heart beat, blood pressure, literally stop their heart, control pain and a number of other physical functions once taught only controllable by the subconscious mind.
Uri Geller was bending spoons, stopping watches in research at The Institute of Noetic Sciences that was brought into being by Edgar Mitchell the sixth astronaut to touch down on the moon.
Silva Mind Control came into being around the same time, Mind Dynamics, Mind Potential Seminars which I created, and a host of other modalities teaching people how to create their reality through thought and creative imagination.
All this was new to us but not to history, the mystery schools of the Egyptians was similar, Rosicrucian’s taught a process of mind control and creation. And here we were experience information that had been hidden for centuries and now was available to anyone who had the desire to learn, you had to have been there to know how exciting this was to begin to realize that we were not controlled by our past, that we were literally free to be and create and we wanted, our dreams could be made to come true.
We could no longer blame God or our past, the world was a mirror of our beliefs; it was a major jump in conscious awareness. The Buddha was coming awake in humanity.
So now some of us began to understand that we are the creators and co-creators of our reality. The next step in evolution was already brewing. Krishnamurti was on the scene teaching that we were not our thoughts, not the content of our mind, not the data going through our heads or the beliefs that we often would fight to defend. There are many current speakers on this realization including myself.
It is the next step in the evolvement of consciousness the next jump in evolution. To not just believe but to know that we are not the content of mind, in real terms this means freedom, peace of mind. It is the thoughts within us that create worry, stress, fight or flight out of imagination when no threat exists.
It is and end to the reactive mind that will fight to defend a belief, it is freedom from the known, the end of a consciousness that wants to fight fear with war, we begin to move into a proactive form of thinking, a cosmic awareness of Discrimination. We are no longer ruled by right, wrong black and white thinking.
In this stage of realization it is obvious that using history to respond to a present situation only creates more of the same. As in more war creates more terrorists, a never-ending circle of the same.
Peace of mind is achieved because we are no longer reacting to content. When we are in content, it is like the bucket believing it is the water in it, or a person believing they are the clothes they are wearing.
This is liberation, the freedom to create fresh in the present no longer tied to the past.
Kundalini is the igniter, the fire that brings light, energy to consciousness and expands awareness.
The book “A Seekers Journal” is the story of one persons awakening process, it is the story of evolution in the making.
"A Seekers Journal" and authentic experience in the opening of kundalini http://www.coolzenhealing.com/Books.htm
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