Let your imagination heal you. I Jest not. People liberate them self with imagination, and also kill them self with imagination. Joe goes to the doctor and gets a diagnosis of death in six month the greater likely hood is that he dies, now some don't buy into the diagnosis, and live fiver more years or get over the problem entirely. What matters most is you and your imagination. Learning to use it to your benefit can heal you, better said when you use it purposefully your putting your personal power into play and sending healing energy to your body.
So how do I do this, Story first. Some time ago I got rheumatoid arthritis my foot grew a bunion and I limped with pain. Now if you go back into my history you would find that my Grandmother had rheumatoid arthritis so bad she was often crippled by it and could not walk. Some would say it was genetic, which is scientific nonsense. The genetics were passed to me by emotion, what I learned from my Grandmother was to fear everything, fear causes restriction, coldness in body and mind. Ridged mind ridged body, body and mind are one.
What I did was use my imagination, even though I was limping I imagined I was walking perfectly. Now this was not easy, it took a lot of encouragement on my part to get my mind to imagine walking normal while limping but after a few times it got easier. Twice a day I would go into a meditative state and feel my self walking, hiking and doing the things that a healthy person does. Notice I said FEEL rather than imagine. Feeling it is more important than just imagining it, and feeling for most people is easier than seeing it in imagination. I sometimes got worse, and sometimes better, but I persisted. I also examined my beliefs, discovering a lot of fear about stepping out into the world, in my case changing occupations, quitting a job I hated. I used similar techniques to bolster up my confidence my feelings about being able to make change. It took over ninety days but I healed and interesting enough, but no surprise to me the bunion disappeared.
Your mind is the healer use it creatively, if your having a problem with a disease, find a doctor who is open to holistic healing, then put your mind to work. See and in particular FEEL your self in vibrant health. And in many cases you also need to examine how you created the problem. Taking responsibility does not mean taking on guilt, responsibility is the ability to respond to take action. To do something positive to solve the problem physically and emotionally. Your emotions are not separate from your body. If they were separate when you went to a movie with lots of Acton, suspense, fear etc your body would not respond, but it does, Body and emotions are one. Hate a job, if we don't take some positive action often our emotions will do things to cause us to quite, get fired, get sick etc. Better to do it consciously saves a lot of problems. The book "Creative Visualization" is excellent also my book "Discover the Magic in You" covers in detail methods of self healing and lots of stories of people who have used the methods to heal them self. Available at http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
In addition to using feeling and visualization make a list of times when you felt really good, vibrant alive having fun. At first your list might only be three or four experiences but within days you will have a page full. Read this list before going into meditation, it helps to carry the felling of vibrancy into the meditative state, read it just before going to sleep, and again when you wake up, persist, trust in you body and mind. Read experience of other people healing them self of the same problem that you have. You can win at this......go to http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
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