Best method for slowing the aging process.
Not botox, wonder cream, cosmetics or vitamins. Dump the emotional baggage, it will age you faster than toxins, bad food, actual age or miserable people. Emotional baggage is a weight on your back. Look at the people slumped over, bent, slow walk, eyes cast down. Conversely see those with smile, bright eyes, youth in their step. Age has nothing to do with either one, but how we carry the world does.
Some carry it cement in their feet, bricks on their back, led in their belly. Others have only feathers in their backpack. They have the attitude of a sleepy child, do it anywhere. Their worth is not based on money, looks, gold stars or cultural agreement. Their value is in their ability to perceive the beauty that surrounds them, their view is from the inside out, not the outside in.
The light of heart have cultivated their internal garden weeded out emotional crab grass, worthless beliefs meant to control given by the feeble of heart, fearful minded and those who use your anxiety to gather money. Get rid of the garbage mental downloads into your field of Golden Corn.
OK, OK so what now, how do I do it?
Plow your garden, dig it up throw out useless, valueless beliefs, idea's and attitudes. Deeply held religious downloads are a good place to start, guilt being the primary one, shame the next, and also the pesticide of fear. Hey I didn't say this was easy, just worth it. Plowing a field is work. So don't believe all the hoop da la about the Secret, yes what they say is true, but the gathering of just stuff is not the cultivation of a life. Cultivation comes first harvest comes later. Another is cultural attitudes of self worth, if its based on money, stuff, trophy houses if so you will always be short changed, weather you have these things or not. And by the way I am not against money or nice things, but lets put them in their place.
Is the mystical still alive in you, can you see the miracle in a blade of grass, the smile on a coyotes face, the mystery and wonder in a thunder storm.
Do you meditate not to be holly, but to be quiet so that you can become aware of the awareness. Meditate so your body and mind can heal from self imposed stress and anxious attitudes of those afraid of death. Or is it still a quick pill fix that slowly takes your life inch by inch then yard by yard.
Have you had a message lately or are you afraid of being touched. Touch is the hand of God on your body with a smile. Touch is the knowing of acceptance.Touch is love made bread in the oven of life. Touch is your Cat rubbing against your leg or your dog licking your face.
Meditate.............Exercise................Attitude Gratitude
Do these three and much of rest will fall into place including the vitality of youth. Great book that can help you alter beliefs. http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm Take care.....Love life Dino
Great post... cool - zen - healing.. why not?
ReplyDeleteWell said Dad! Thank you for sharing. sending you love.....from afar