We love inspirational stories movies they give us hope possibility and vision, but without persistence motivation often dies and early death.
What many times we do not realize is that the twin of inspiration is persistence and any one who has run a marathon, overcome depression without drugs, healed self hate, lost weight, conquered and addiction, written a book or accomplished any endeavor they once thought not possible will tell you persistence coupled with viable information is the key to opening up the channels of creativity and intuition.
As the story goes Thomas Edison did thousands of experiments before he found the solution to discovering the elements that brought about the light bulb.
I personally fought with debilitating depression for over six years before conquering the major part of it without the use of drugs. Do I still get depressed? Yes, but no longer debilitating and almost always short lived. For now I have the knowledge of how I am creating it.
Break through, I see the light, yes, yes that it or when eureka hits us is sometimes a long road filled with bull shit information, lack of confidence, financial problems, numerous failures on to lets try another way.
Getting to eureka is often a road walked barefoot on broken glass. Getting to the mountaintop can be incredibly frustrating.
Persistence is paramount in you or I coming to that place in body and mind where we begin to feel YES I can do this, YES I am beginning to see some light, YES I believe its possible.
It’s that stepping stone on the trail where we begin to see the mountaintop; we are beat tired at 13,000 feet breath is getting a little shorter and seeing the top is inspiration to go on. At two weeks of not smoking we are getting a little less irritable. At several weeks of self-hypnosis implanting positive suggestions we are beginning to feel like we are ok and not worthless. Six month not drinking and Jeff is not thinking about as much any more. The chapters of the book are finally flowing so much easier.
Yes we are beginning to see the mountaintop, that realization of YES. The rabid dog at our heel's that continually said no is dead.
And yes this came from persistence a dogged determination, anger focused into positive action. The person who shuts down the feelings of anger and frustration more often than not goes into depression and quits. What many think of as negative emotions when accepted and focused into positive action are now incredible allies.
Persistence is not weak, it is often deep gut wrenching tears , I hate this experience, I am not giving up you bastards.
Of course it’s not always that emotional. At some point it all does become easier, on too easy, on to this is cake. But cake came by persisting.
Look at the gain in personal power that feeling that so many new age guru’s are trying to sell with out having to work, effort, another quick pill do this and it will all fall into place BS. When you and finally get to grab that gold ring it was by expressing and putting flame to our personal power, by recognizing the spirit within.
The master poet, musician, artist, healer, engineer, dancer or scientist got there by sweat, tears, frustration, anger, hope and injections of inspiration into persistence.
Yes injections of inspiration, the movie Avatar, The Cove, Rabbit-proof Fence, the book Shantaram, Jonathan Livingston seagull, The Prophet, find dig for stories of inspiration and also remember some things do come easy, its not all a bitch.
Discover the Magic http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm