Belief is the engine that moves your e-motions think of emotion as energy in motion they cause you to act, powers your thinking, controls your health, weight and longevity, it is the very foundation of how you act think and become and of course it is what you use to create your reality.
This insight will give you the tools and leverage to create the reality you choose and also give you the insight to how you got to where you are at this point in time.
Belief is the foundation like the concrete blocks holding up a house or how the steel beams of a baseball stadium hold it up and together.
Imagine little Jimmy he is three years old, his parents hate Mexicans because they believe they are stealing from the economy, jobs, social services etc.
The language in the household is those dam Mexicans feeding off of my taxes, taking our jobs, strong feeling expressed with the pounding of a fist on the table.
By the time Jimmy is 7,8, 15 or 20 he hates Mexicans and most of his beliefs are subconscious, he knows how he feels but is unaware of why he feels the way he does. Oh he will give you the same reasons his father and mother had but from his viewpoint they are his reasons, he is unaware of his early programming.
His beliefs power his emotions about Mexicans, his beliefs control his thinking about Mexicans, and his beliefs control his feeling and actions toward Mexicans.
It is possible of course that Jimmy could meet a person of Mexican decent like them and their relationship change his view over a period of time in the process.
Follow the process; belief is the engine like a horse pulling the cart of feeling and emotions behind. You read a story about the people in a place called Hunza many who live to be one hundred and twenty years old they are very active all of their life, and have children into their 70ties and 80ties, it blows away your concept about aging and also excites you that its possible to live very old and vital.
You do further studies and research and discover yes there are many people in different cultures with different belief who live old and vital.
This new idea causes you to start exercising you begin to imagine yourself healthy and physically fit. You study nutrition and start to eat organic foods, you drop thirty pounds you start meditating, friends and relatives comment on how you look 10 to 15 years younger than your age.
Your friend Roger is turning sixty he is about to retire, he FEELS his life is getting close to over, he believes in the cultural standard his beliefs lead to less activity, after all he is getting older, he is taking several pharmaceuticals for a variety of problems this of course reinforces his beliefs so he feels that his longevity is beyond his capacity to make any difference, and he dies at 72.
When belief joins with feelings it has the power to totally change a persons experience of the present and future for positive or negative.
The choice is always our own, but most believe in cultural standards, the science of the day, or what they were told by parents, teacher or relatives. Never questioning they follow someones lead who had no idea of where they are going or why.
Let me acknowledge making change is not always easy sometimes past fears, trauma or even your closest friends and relatives don’t want you to change so yes it can be a bitch. But persistence in changing our thinking will lead to a major difference in feelings and feelings will move us into more positive actions.
Many New Age gurus do us a disservice by trying to make us believe that it just takes a few visualizations or there brand of affirmations and all will change just as you want it to.
Truth is sometimes it is easy, but is also often difficult months of hard work discovering what is blocking our path, wrestling with old patterns of behavior that hang on like super glue and then finally a breakthrough.
It is not unlike learning to play a musical instrument, build a house or develop a relationship, there are mistakes, failures, wins and eventually we master and area of our life.
Let me leave you with this thought that what ever it is that you want to create it is possible, but you must be willing to not just work to change your beliefs and actions to attain it, but also be wiling to challenge long held beliefs that are holding you back.
Right knowledge acted upon is development of Personal Power the power to create your own life. So be very discriminate in who and what you decide to believe in.
The book “Discover the Magic in You” is full of methods and techniques developed from working with many thousands of people internationally, that will indeed shorten and make your process of transformation much easier. Go to http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm