Kundalini is a movement toward Sanity, the energy is a unified field dissolving division.
Having have said that, that is not and easy process in a world with mostly dysfunctional systems of thought and expression. The world we live in is a mirror of our collective beliefs.
Besides a physical body we also have the energetic or spirit, the electrical matrix that is the auric body. And then there is mind, note I did not say brain, brain is a processing center not a mind. Mind is awareness not the content of body-brain. The frontal lobe of the brain, the intellect was and ad on from evolution, meant to be a tool of mind. The intellect is often thought of as a higher state of consciousness many thinking that the content is who they are. Like a bucket thinking it is the water that it is carrying.
A Catholic thinks they are a catholic, rather than understanding that they conform to Catholic belief systems. The Dr thinks he is a Dr rather than knowing he is a human acting as a Dr. Artist, parent, engineer etc all these are acts of expressions we are not the expressions. If this were not so then the Dr would always have to be the Dr, the engineer the engineer. I know this seems overly simplistic, but if you examine your thought process the fear of change comes from believing that you are the content of your expression rather than the one creating your expressions. Simply put we are the Actor and Actresses on the stage of life. The fear of death keeps us locked into content, believing the word is the thing.
The word death by the way is a misnomer in the sense that it means finality, done, ending etc when in fact in physics, biology there is no such thing as death, only transformation. Our fear is locked within the language. A belief is a download not a fact of who we are.
Kundalini does not dissolve ego, it dissolves our beliefs that we are the data, the beliefs that form ego, ego is but a filter. This is liberation to be aware that we can be a Buddhist or not, a traditional parent or not, tradition is but a belief in how one should be which is where dysfunction often comes into play.
Here is a way to view dysfunction and average four-door sedan is designed to carry passengers and a small amount of luggage, it was not designed to be a coal truck. We of course could chop the top off, take out the seats except for the drivers seat, and load it with coal. This of course would overload the springs, put huge stress on the engine and overall deplete its capacity to function as a good sedan.
The same happens with dysfunctional concepts, we can still function but our natural capabilities are not only diminished but also function different from what nature intended. Sex is a good example; guilt about body and sexual expression diminishes the pleasure and often causes physical and mental problems. Ranging from sexual dysfunction to physical and mental abortions. Note if you read about the old Hawaiians before the coming of the missionaries, they had no sex problems and very little disease. Once the missionaries imparted their beliefs they develop both physical and mental problems.
Remember that a belief creates and organic experience in the brain body system it becomes part of flesh and bone, concepts create roadways for the energy body to move through the body that is one of the functions of the nervous system to carry life energy. The life energy follows the pattern of the beliefs. E-motion energy in motion, a suicide bomber is a living belief and energy in motion.
In the early stages of kundalini awakening there is often a lot of sleeping, just as a baby does in its growth. Yes in this we are growing different, altering the brain, body nervous system.
Some of the chaos is our resistance to letting go of current beliefs, we often hold on out of fear of death, disintegration. The fear is worse than the bite, worse than what is actually taking place. In time for me over thirty-five years, we learn to let go release valueless dysfunctional systems. Kundalini dissolves dichotomy, black and white thinking. A belief in Republican or Democrat bounces us from one side to the other, our thinking is controlled. Guilt in sex is a dichotomy between the natural feelings and desires of the body and the intellectual beliefs. Keep in mind nature has its own program, some call it instincts, but it is way more than just instinct.
Most religions cause a major dysfunction many of the beliefs are the opposite of nature. Examine your beliefs carefully ask why do I believe this. Many of our concepts come by way of authority, and authority often does not get questioned. Remember these beliefs are guiding your life energy. Are they in accord with the movement of nature? Many religions believe we are superior to nature and the animals. What kind of actions does this type of thinking bring about, is it conducive to life?
The belief in sin and karma causes many dysfunctions it does not serve humanity only the pocket book of the church. If this is one of your strong beliefs think it through, what does it make you feel, what actions does it cause you to take, how does it cause you to respond to other people? Is it a forgiving system or is it a punishing system? Question the authority they are people fallible in the their beliefs often passing on information without question.
Techniques to undo the emotion connected to the dysfunctional beliefs, beliefs are backed by e-motion energy in motion, and the belief causes movement. A belief that money is evil causes the person to unconsciously move away from money.
Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are good tools. A lot of people are resistant to hypnosis, saying I don’t want to be hypnotized when in fact the belief they have is a hypnosis, they are unconscious as to how they got their belief in the first place. Using these tools puts you in the place of being able to take conscious action in the direction of your life.
EFT is another great modality you can view it on youtube, Creative visualization combined with meditation. Understanding your dreams is definitely one of the best I have recorded over 5,000 dreams since 1972, they are often a direct insight into the your hidden beliefs and also a tool in self healing.
My book “Discover the Magic in You” is designed to help you understand the depth of how beliefs work and how to creatively alter your beliefs for self healing, creating your reality. You can view the book at http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm