We love magic, the coin from behind the ear, out of fifty two cards he finds yours in the desk, the girl is sawed in half and comes out whole, birds fly out of a top hat, rabbits.
We love it, its fun, amazing, we entered into the illusion, and we know its going to be a trick, but its, well you know its out of the ordinary we are fooled, we are a kid seeking a universe in a drop of water on a leaf.
Perhaps its all illusion, we seeing what we believe, ever talk to and old friend, brother, sister about some event that you both experienced and discover that you both saw it some what different in some cases very different?
Our personal perception colors the reality. I had a friend in the military when I was stationed in Mobile Alabama his name was Bill Gross. We would sit in this coffee shop restaurant in downtown Mobile hoping girls would come in.
Me I was shy, inhibited, afraid, Bill was the total opposite, open, gregarious, playful. I remember on evening in the Crystal Café a booth with three girls in it, Bill said lets go over and talk to them, I declined in fear of rejection. Not Bill over he went, hi ladies, I am Bill Gross the most from the coast to coast know as Gross the most. The girls were cracking up me I am amazed; you guessed it now we are sitting with them.
Same reality, but very different experience if we had lived mine, we would have sat alone, with Bill we never had to be alone.
Is all of reality like this, yes and yes again. It is illusion one of our own individual and collective making. The Latin word ludere means to play in actuality, to enter into the illusion, to play to be mesmerized, abducted into the grand play of life, comedy, drama, tragedy.
The smoking gun of Iraq was and incredible masterpiece of illusion promoted by fear, and fear is one of the most potent controllers of imagination. It causes hypnosis, mass humanity pulled into the illusion.
Religions are often mass illusionist and hypnotist. Sin and karma the belief that we owe a dept because of past wrongs, mistakes, it keeps the people tied to them emotionally and feeds them support and money.
Guilt is strong magic that holds a person in place of continued service to the religious organization. Patriotism does similar in holding people to serve in wars they don’t believe in, they often serve out of guilt, fear of being labeled a coward.
Conversely Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson held millions in their aura by excitement, passion, exuberance.
The magic is the same just used in different ways. What if you could perform your own Magic be your own illusionist, shaman. You are but most just don’t know it, we believe most of what we believe unconsciously, so we don’t examine our beliefs which are creating our reality. The cold that some get every winter, arthritis runs in the family, some are lucky in love, money, others are a walking tragedy always something going wrong.
What if you became the Magician in your own life, you can be the director, publisher and actor in your own play, to take conscious control of your own life. Wow now that s exciting, sometime scary, and definitely a major learning curve, up form the couch and into the grand arena of life.
Discover the Magic in You, is a book that gives you the instructions the road map to creating your own reality, becoming the Director in your life. Listen to the video at http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
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