Friday, June 29, 2012

Growing up, well sort of: Grammar school I was the only non-Catholic in a Catholic school. I was challenged and ridiculed daily by the other students who thought of me as a lesser because I didn’t belong to there religion. There was also the fights sometime two or three a week, till I was forced to finally fight back. And only then did the fights and ridicule stop. I had two minor auto accidents in Colorado my fault then a third a lady made and illegal turn and ran into me. My insurance was going to drop me and of course that would drastically raise my rates. I ended up fighting this with the insurance commission, and won the case they were forced to keep me as a policyholder without any rise in rates. Some years ago I got arthritis in my left foot and then later in my right foot. But you see I am well honed in fighting, yes I healed my self in both instances. My biggest fight was with depression about seven long years in the first two or three I would have one or two good days out of ten, suicide was on my mind a lot. When I tried to talk about it to friends most turned scared and wanted no part of the conversation others suggested anything form Religious Conversion to nutrition but most did not want to listen. Fight it I did with running, visualization, acting out my anger and rage and yes eventually after years of struggle healed it. Most people are afraid of fighting either physically or mentally that unfortunately is not in their favor. When you are sick your immune system fights for you. In fact I believe there is a direct correlation between immune system strength and our willingness to fight. If weak I believe there is a tendency to give up, give in and let George do it. Take the pharmaceutical rather than learn to heal ones self, let them destroy the water table rather than go to city hall and give voice. Stay heavy rather than exercise and get light. We and our immune system are not separate, some give up their courage and personal power to be holy and perfect or spiritually detached. Others use the I am not worthy to have a view point attitude, some are simply what I call careless, CARE LESS, throw the empty bottle on the street who gives a fuck. Then of course there is the poor me I am just a poor helpless underprivileged person who was beat up by my parents and I have no power. Right now NOT the earth, it will heal itself in spite of us and our actions. It is humanity that needs your voice, your support your cry to stop endless wars and the Monsanto’s of the world the distorted control by industry on the politicians and laws of the country, and so much more. I believe the question we must ask our self am I a weak link in the immune system of the planet or am I a responder and fighter for what is healthy and good.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, I have read it a few times and every time I hear something new. Thanks for this post. Take care Dino.
