Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Awareness of Awareness

Do I have your attention yet, and I thought awareness was just awareness, not so says the blind man. Consider this, the conscious mind can process about forty bits of information per second, the subconscious can process about forty million bits of information per second. Becoming aware of this mega processing chip of the mind is like putting binoculars to your eyes now you can see that grizzly bear one hundred yards away.

Several years ago while on a lunch break from teaching a class in Canada, I am sitting across from one of my students, I reached out and moved a vase to the side of the table, Emily responded wow are you psychic. In actuality I had seen her eyes look at the vase, realizing it was in the way of our view. I am running on a horse trail early morning just twilight, I come to a Y in the path that comes back together again about four or five yards later , I always break right, this morning I break left, I look back to where I would normally have been, in the middle of the path is a skunk, did I smell or here it, yes probably but unconsciously, but I responded to spontaneity going in a direction I normally would not have gone. This Awareness of Awareness, Kundalini opens this connection to this deeper part of our intelligence and so much more.

Leave a question and idea and we will explore.....Dino


  1. Hey Dino,
    Thank you for your response.
    This is Izzy, regarding my question
    regarding shakti symptons.I live with
    a person I feel more-or-less intimidated
    by, it's not an intense anxious feeling
    usually, just an uncomfortable feeling
    when I see him or think of him, but
    after the shakti sessions the feelings
    seem to have intensified. Would be
    glad to get your insight on this.
    Thank you.


  2. Sorry its taking me so long to answer. Kundalini is and energetic process it increases what ever is going on in your life, often forcing us to look at what is going on. In your case intimidation, you need to ask yourself why you feel intimidated what is behind the feeling etc, you can also do EFT on it, even thought I feel intimidated etc go through the tapping process and see what come up. I is good to acknowledge the problem, bring it out in the open etc. Remember kundalini is a process of awakening, to become aware....take care Dino
