Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kundalini Awakening

This is a YouTube video I made about the Kundalini
Process you might enjoy this.......Dino


  1. I been studying kundalini yoga in a group setting twice a week for about 4 month and love the way it makes me feel after the class and find it almost addicting because I can't wait till my next class. I been researching online and have found the Kundalini can be dangerous if woken up improperly so I wanted to ask someone that knows the truth because I keep getting mixed things about it. Thank you

  2. Can Kundalini be dangerous? Yes in the sence that when some people have the experience thay think they are going crazy, it really is a radical change particualarly in the begining, there is such a mjor change in beliefs, thinking process shifts. Many treasured beliefs go down the toilet, and some try to cling to the past. I went through yeas of depression, that was mainly from a child hood of abuse and kundalini trying to get me to release it and I am trying to hold on, I was on a yo yo for years. Remember this is a continual process, its not a big bang and then its over. Wa hoo enlightenment, it is a process of opening, pay attention to your dreams. Get Dr Ann Faraday's book "Dream Games" to help you understand them. Take care good luck.....Dino

  3. I am not familiar, many Kundalini books have religious bent. Religions often pick up on experiences and put them into their context. Kundalini is a evolutionary process, spiritual, but does not belong to any particular religion.
