And evolution in consciousness is happening now, do we as individuals want to participate in and act of greater freedom or do we want to hold tight to the past.
By the end of this article I will give you links where you can learn how to involve yourself in this life process.
The fore-brain is and ad on in evolution giving us greater ability to participate in our evolvement, creating language, writing, imagining a future and creating it. Keep in mind the brain is a tool, not meant to just control us but more as a processing center where information can be changed and in the process altering our perception and experience in reality.
As long as we believe that we are the content of our mind there is no freedom.
The sixties and early seventies ushered into reality much more than just a human potential movement and a hippy free love attitude.
It brought into awareness that we as humans create our reality. That through imagination and action we could create realities, that in it-self is a profound recognition. Prior we generally believed in predestination, we had little control of our personal lives.
We began to understand that we were not meant or destined to be just teachers, janitors, engineers or mill workers; we could actually choose and create our reality.
We also made a major jump in conscious awareness in that we could participate in our mental and physical well being, we could literally create a life of health and vitality by becoming a participant.
This is not just O hum this is a major leap from being at the mercy of the health care industry, and old patterns of aging and what it means to be healthy.
During my years of training over fourteen thousand people I saw people heal themselves of cancer, arthritis, heart disease, muscular dystrophy and countless other mental and physical problems, some working with their medical practitioners and some choosing alternative methods.
This is big time becoming self empowered. No small feet, for the hundreds of thousands that became involved worldwide.
Major amounts of people began to consider the earth a living being, not just a hunk of ground to be controlled and exploited.
People swam with dolphins and some researchers freed them from their laboratory confines, we began to see videos of people interacting with wild animals earth and its inhabitants took on a whole new meaning, life started becoming sacred again.
We as a species began to leave the bleachers and participate consciously in our evolution. We began to realize we are not just our down loaded beliefs that were instilled in us as children we have the power to change them. We started to realize we could create our own mental content and so not just change the external world but also literally change both our internal perceptions and in the process change how we felt and interacted with our world.
Bruce Lipton discovered that our perceptions of reality altered our biology. We are not controlled by genes you can read more of his discovery in “The Biology of Belief” or listen to his work on you tube videos.
Along with meditation, hypnosis, creative visualization a whole new group of energy modalities arrived on the scene to help us achieve a more enlightened path.
A Buddha is no longer a historical figure representing enlightenment; there are now thousands of Buddha’s in the world.
What is next, as we learn that our mental content is not who we are, and as we disconnect our emotions from a host of dysfunctional belief systems the brain literally becomes quieter no longer trying to dominate consciousness, we are beginning to experience peace of mind, no longer controlled by the content of the brain.
We no longer have to protect our beliefs. We no longer need to kill to protect our way of living nor do we need to forcibly dominate other cultures with our brand of reality as though it were the only right and true one, which of course is a misperception.
We are actually beginning to peek at mental and physical freedom like we have never known before, a freedom from the known, open to possibility in the moment.
Yes of course not, not all of us have reached this perception but just as we have struggled out from under major aspects of our racial prejudice, we are struggling out from under suffocating and diminishing dysfunctional belief systems.
The fact is there is no there to get to. The belief in and ultimate reality is and ending a superficial heaven, nirvana. In this new pyridine we see a never-ending path of exploration and discovery.
Visit me at http:www.coolzenhealing.com/Books.htm
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