Truth is a beacon of light on a darkened path. Without truth what is mentally, emotionally and physically powerful becomes corrupt and leads to disaster.
The Laws of Attraction, Positive thinking, creative visualization and many such modalities that are methods to creating our reality, work. In fact when put to disciplined use and playful spontaneity work as though we had found a magic wand that can attract money, building purposeful careers to manifesting relationships, scholarships and often creating major healings.
That is just a very few of the positives that are created by what we might call new mind thought, in actuality you can trace the mental creation of the objective world back to the Egyptians and beyond. But until the last century much of this information was kept secret by the priest craft in fear that if the public knew this information they world loose their control.
Before going on let me state I am not against money, beautiful homes, appealing automobiles and elegant clothing. But and the but is that it is obvious that we in general as a culture have gone way over the top in our desire for material riches, to the point the we have lost our sense of natural values, and often have become willing to sacrifice other people and cultures and the environment to have our material wealth.
When these powerful modalities are connected to our current value system of who ever has the most toys wins, when self worth is based on how many dollars one has, how famous, how right, top of the hill images representing value. Are you wearing your Mercedes, BMW or Lexus today mentality?
The eyes of the soul are now hidden behind the shaded lenses of a value system, which corrupts. It does not dilute the power of creative visualization it turns it into and individual who is in it strictly for their own self-gratification.And may I point out to one that is often never satisfied, never enough, and many times not fulfilling.
This has nothing to do with right or wrong. Right and wrong belief systems will blind the most gifted of human beings, they become subjugated to thinking this or that rather than being aware of the out come of our actions and that there is more than just two options.
A value system that does not include the worth of every living creature from ant to human is flawed and will lead to personal and collective disaster.
If you think I am over stating take a moment to view our current collective world situation, which is a reflection of our current beliefs and actions. Our current world events were not created by the mob or the group, it is created by individual acts, with individual beliefs. Joe might have Catholic beliefs is but those beliefs are uniquely his in how he expresses them. How they are put into the world. One Catholic steals and plunders another feeds the needy.
No matter how sacred, pious intellectual, moving or right on we might think a belief is. It is still the individual who has the POWER TO ACT.
The power to display and build in the world of mud, water, bricks, put word to pen and paper.
Believing we are loved is a band-aid on a gaping wound. Knowing we are loved is the antidote to the bite of hatred and abuse.
The difference between a belief and knowing is as different as flowing moving water and ice, the wood structure holding your house together and wood burning in the fire, food on the table and food in your belly. Many have a belief in and after life, but are terrified of dying. The person who has had and NDE near death experience is no longer afraid of death, their understanding has moved from belief to knowing by experience.
Knowledge based solely on belief is a house on a sand foundation. Knowledge based on knowing, objective or subjective is a mind enlightened with knowing.
What is the point of all this, I am going to share with you my knowing experience that I had with over fourteen thousand people in workshop over a twelve year period. People form all walks of life who have solved unsolvable problems, became super hero’s in sports, healed themselves of cancer, arthritis and a host of many other maladies, attracted money, relationships and brought success often to a life filled with failures.
It would be remiss of me not to point out that these methods not only give you the way to direct a personal power that at this point in time you might not even know you have. But that power can be equally used destructive as well as positively creative and creative in a way that benefits all of life.
A young new driver without an experience of the road can be a major danger in a Ferrari that can turn the clock at over two hundred miles and hour.
I cannot give you experience that you must do for yourself, but I can share with you a viewpoint that I know you have had, that can possibly lead to more holistic values. What we often think as valuable or power often becomes ash in the descending years of our lives.
What we know sustains us, give us value that cannot be stolen, will guide us through the most horrendous experiences of life.
Most of what we value and its worth are based on perception. “Diamonds are a girls best friend” is a statement drilled into the psyche by advertising and cultural values. These little gems are promoted as rare when in fact they are stockpiled by the hundreds of thousands, and distributed into the jewelry market to appear as scarce. Much of what we value is subjective emotionally based attitudes promoted by media, industry, religion and other forms of promoted belief. “Clothes make the man” and a million other slogans control the buying and value habits of and economy based on consumption.
We know by experience that much of our material believed riches eventually turn to dust, so we continue to look for intrinsic value where it is not, and buy more hoping to fill the often emptiness based on material goods alone.
There are some things that we experience daily often without a sense of gratitude or recognition that sustains us till our last breath. So lets start with breath, oxygen, air. Yes go ahead in-hale and release, not only can we not live without it, but in a stale room or closed in car, bus, basement to step out side and catch a breath of fresh air, is such a relief. To have the air knocked out of you and we are gasping for breath and when it finally comes, WOW what a gift, what a feeling I am going to live, and what a sense of gratitude.
The sniffles, coughing, wheezing, gagging for air cold, and after several days of stifled misery we breath again, oh my how wonderful. Please take a moment and think about your breath and that there is only one air like there is only one sky and that, that one breath belongs to all of us creatures here on planet earth. Is it not one of our most valued possessions while in a human body?
Do you speak, gesture, make face, cry for food as does a baby, scream in pain, ask for more, say no, yes, hold up a hand to stop, wave to bring close, giggle with delight, cry with loss and grief. Yes we speak in a thousand different ways besides language; it is all language, a wave , the hiss of a snake, the growl of a dog.
Without out breath none of this is possible. How important then the quality of our air, is the coal factory more valuable in our economy or is our breath and the rain forest that manufactures twenty percent of the worlds oxygen and absolutely needed commodity.
The air belongs to all.
As babies we cry, scream for food, as adults we work, go to the grocery store, till the soil, we feed our bodies till the day we die. That fresh bite of a strawberry, watermelon on a hot day, corn on the cob in summer, the grape, the juice the wine the brilliance of its color, aroma, it sings on the pallet in our mouth, ice cream for desert for breakfast that smooth cool feeling in the mouth.
Food like manna, like friends around the table, coffee with a friend, a shared sandwich, a pickle between kids. This food that nourishes, delights, brings together, holds conversation, gains admittance to a party, a meeting a relationship. This food that is a given from a tree from a bush, out of the ground, how valuable is it. Is it more than fame, BMW or diploma on the wall? Yes of course, obvious worth, value in the extreme.
Does my, does your value system nourish it, make whole, make holistic give up the poisons, is my value system and my actions in the super market in the clothing store helping to support a foreign industry that works a fourteen year old sixteen, eighteen hours a day so we can have those hundred dollar running shoes or am I supporting and buying free trade merchandise. Yes I know none of us can be perfect with this but our awareness of value can bring about positive change.
On a hot day, August in Washington D.C a crowded bus in Belize, a hot walk on the unforgiving pavement in New York, Boston, Denver, frying eggs on and automobile’s hood in Sacramento valley, it’s a 112 degrees, its steaming your sweating, underwear sticking like glue, your in a hot fever bed.
A glass of water please.Quench my thirst, my need, my dry flat tongue, wet my face let it drip in my mouth, give me a little rain. Water from the veins of the Great Mother.
Water we once could drink without suspicion out of most streams and rivers. Is it as valuable as that proposed golf course that will be five miles closer to home that would dump thousands of gallons of pesticide into the living waters?
I am not trying to sell you on the environment, I am saying as a culture we have been blinded by the diamonds in the window, the silk suit, the designer shoes, the three cars sucking wind and the man or woman with the right look. We have lost our awareness of what is valuable; we use the environment, abuse it, pollute it and have forgotten the real meaning it plays in each of our lives.
So in your development of personal power, remember what is valuable, what actually sustains us, each of these breath, food and water is a gift of love from the great maker of life. Think we are loved daily with each breath, with each bite of food and with each drink of water.
Imagine what you can do with these methods that will allow you to direct your power however you will. The Book Discover the Magic http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
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