I will first help you understand what emotional intelligence is. Second we will see how our emotional conditioning effect our out comes in life. Last but not least I will give you practical methods that will help you regain you emotional freedom.
Money responds to us dependent on what we emotionally believe consciously and unconsciously. Emotion is the horse pulling the cart of belief. Detach the horse and the beliefs have no movement no motivation, we are detached. Emotions are the juice, the electricity in the body. The electric circuitry, energy field, the aura is another expression of you in a physical body. Energy in a body is called emotions, in a body the energy is now organic it has movement like and ocean, river etc. We feel it as excitement, dread, fear, desire and a host of many other feelings. Change belief and emotions will change its expression its character its attitude. The person who hates money or a certain race of people will push away, create attitudes about white people or money in general. They will have very little ability to think intelligently, unable to vary action or act spontaneously. Action is most often ridged, reactionary. In the case of money or loosing a job could mean anger, depression, fear or going out and getting drunk, a lack of creative response. Simply put their emotions have been conditioned into a response that does not bring a satisfactory result. Their health could be effected with stress, arthritis, why arthritis? Ridged thinking ridged body, fear often causes freeze up in the body, sometimes resulting in arthritis.
Looking at the world around us we discover the pollution of air, water, food the very fabric of what sustains us is being treated with a lack of caring and respect. And this is a result of beliefs powered by emotions that are dysfunctional because of the beliefs that propel them. As we reprogram our beliefs the world around us changes according to our emotional response to it. Our personal life and the world around us is a direct reflection of our beliefs, which are mostly unconscious. Unconscious because we have forgotten what we believe. Its like driving a car or riding a bicycle you don't think about it you just do it, like walking. But at some point in your history you learned to walk, ride a bike the memory of it now put away in that library we call the unconscious. The information about why money or relationships act in a particular way in our life is not hidden as many would have you believe. Of course if you believe its hidden then it is. Our mind and body act according to our beliefs. Believe that every winter you get a cold and indeed you will, where a neighbor of yours never gets a cold or only in the spring.
Emotional intelligence then is being free of conditioned responses, to money, health issues, relationships, the whole of our life is governed by belief. That is your power the ability to actually alter your life experience by changing your beliefs. What many do not understand, is that it is just as important what you take out as to what you put into the download data base of your mind. Try putting in to consciousness health and vitality while at the same time believing that nature is out to get you, or that like your mother you are going to have arthritis. Disease has little to do with genetics and more to do with the genes of your thinking, conscious and unconscious.
Weed first then plant, any good gardener will tell you this. They would think us fools to plant in a plot full of weeds. What happens when we download new software in with dysfunctional programs we a jam up. Which is why in a computer it deletes the old program in the process of downloading the new one. In terms of consciousness we get a dichotomy one part of our mind battling with the other. A simple example of a dichotomy, you really want to take that vacation to Hawaii and you can afford it, but you have all that practical programing that tells you that you shouldn't be such a spend thrift, save for a rainy day etc. You really hate your job and this sales job is so appealing and its something you really like but its mostly commission, your parents taught to be secure, don't risk, look what happened to your uncle Harry. Sometimes our emotional intelligence wins out with its intuitive feelings, but most often not. And emotional intelligence goes out the window. So many of the the new age guru's push The Law of Abundance with out telling people that it is necessary to weed their garden, of course that wold make it appear like work, which of course it is. Be a good gardener weed first than plant. By taking the time to become aware of what you currently believe your new programing will work much faster and with way more efficiently.
Methods to release old programs EFT, emotional freedom technique, you can view the method on youtube and its easy to learn. Silva Mind Control is another great method. My book is excellent I cover the bases of programing and releasing old dysfunctional belief structures, available at
http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm if you have a question post it as a comment on this blog and I will get back to you. Dino Delano