I will give you methods you can use today that you can use to direct the healing process in your body. First we will examine how blockage in the flow of energy or what is often termed Chi gets clogged up in the body. Then we will discover how we can direct the movement of chi to bring about healing.
Babies when first born have a lack of skills in movement, the same is true in learning to move energy it is no different than learning to walk, write or any skill that we learned as we were growing up, and the beauty is age makes no difference and eighty year old can learn to ride a bike or draw.
Here is a good way to imagine blockage, during certain season’s creaks and rivers tend to get clogged up with sticks, logs and debris. When the snowmelt’s or we get heavy rainstorms the strong flow of water clears out the channels allowing the water to flow smoothly.
Our body’s act in a similar way, keep in mind the earth is a body so the similarity is not a far fetched idea. This is one of the reasons why exercise and movement cause and increase in vitality and health we are keeping not just the veins and arteries clear but also the passage way of energy, oxygen moving through the system.
Prolonged blockage leads to stagnation and disease, so disease then is a blockage in energy. Arthritis is joints freezing up so there is a loss of flexibility; chi is the grease to loosen up joints.
What are some of the causes of blockage, beliefs are a main cause. Think of belief as the engine or the horse pulling the cart, so the horse or engine is the power, the cart behind the horse is the feelings that are generated by the belief.
A good example lets call her Mary and she is full of fears, her parents taught her to fear rape, that many men are evil, to be on the lookout etc. When you are afraid and you can’t run or get away how does it feel, how do we act. A young child in school afraid of the bully will hide, become quiet try not to be seen, their voice is lowered so not to be noticed, they are trying to hide within, pulled in, introverted.
The person is holding their energy conversely in anger spoken out or a physical fight or flight the energy is expended a flow is happening and if they get away afterwards there is a release and many times a feeling of peace.
Fearful beliefs often cause things like arthritis, ridged beliefs ridged body the fear of speaking out can cause TMJ Temporomandibular joint disorder. Tight ass hemorrhoid’s, a quick story as a kid I grew up with my grandparents, my grandfather had a big thing about being late, so when I would come home late I would get a kick in the ass. Years later as and adult when stressed my hemorrhoids would flare up, very painful. Then one night in a dream I saw my grandfather kicking me in the ass when I woke up I realized that when I felt I had done something wrong or I felt guilty for not doing something quite right I would kick myself in the ass and my hemorrhoids would flare up, I have never had the problem since, the awareness of what I was doing to myself released the trauma.
This may seem very foreign to you just keep in your awareness mind and body are one. Your deep seated beliefs cause feeling and the feelings effect your body, think about when you are at the movies and its scary or you feel angry, indignant, remorse, depressed or excited it wasn’t just in your head you felt the emotions through out your whole body.
Held energy cause stress, rigidity in thought and action, conversely movement cause vitality flexibility in thought and action. There are many ways to move energy, exercise, anger, and a major one is breath and imagination. “Where your attention goes your energy flows”
By breathing into any area of the body and using your imagination you will cause energy to flow into the area. Think breath is full of oxygen, oxygen feeds a fire, oxygen is full of high octane fuel so pumping oxygen into a blocked area causes a breakup in the stagnation the creeks and rivers start flowing again, the veins and arteries get cleaned out, breath is life and life is healing.
Lets imagine Tom has and enlarged prostate, he lies on his back hand below the navel and takes a deep breath through his nose into the lower abdomen and exhales through his nose into that spot between the testicles and anus, he does that for twenty five breaths, or lets say he has arthritis in his hands so in a sitting or laying down position he inhales through the nose deep into the abdomen and exhales into his hand imagining the energy lighting up his hands and fingers, after twenty five breaths he sees and feels his hands moving freely and easily.
Usually within eight to ten days you will feel and opening in the block area that you are working on it is best to keep the exercise up for about three weeks. Several years ago I had arthritis in my feet in doing similar exercises I went through a gamut of emotions, I felt despair, anger, depression and rejection which were feelings I had felt as a child growing up in a very dysfunctional family, and the emotions had effected my feet, think of feet as stability, my child hood was very unstable, mind and body are one. Often when we are in the process of healing it will bring up some of the original emotions that were attached to the problem this is very normal and yes I did heal it completely.
You can heal your self, learn more at http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
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