Monday, July 19, 2010

Meditation A Return To Magic

I have been forty years using meditation I will share with you the Magic that will unfold into your life from using this very simple method.

Children best express the uncluttered mind; most of us now have a head full of bargain basement stuff dribbling in adverting and mental analysis that is sheep’s wool pulled over the eyes that once saw the world through untainted lenses.

Children are enlightened till we talk them out of it.

Try to remember if you can when a fallen autumn leaf was a kaleidoscope dream of colored expression that made you giddy with delight like a child gone mad in the excitement of a world revealing itself naked in all its glory.

The snow fell silently in a moon lit night and you could hear it touch the ground you were enveloped in a cocoon of butterfly transformation, a grass hopper made you want to jump, a bull frog was a grumpy grandpa.

It was all new like traveling the first time to a foreign country, music to the eyes, drum beats of excitement on a city street in Bombay, Bangkok and Madrid. Better than a new dress or I pod, more exciting than a feature film.

You are in it like a lucid dream, can you remember when almost everything was magical?

The years and the monotony of the same breakfast takes its tool on curiosity and the wonder drug of a new world has worn off, oh hum, another day another dollar, oh hum when do I get off work so I can slump in front of the TV and dissolve this boredom in something into anything.

The magic has been gone for so long we forget like we can’t remember what its like when we first fall in love, so what has this got to do with meditation.


Meditation eventually transforms into Zen the moment aware. Meditation becomes a part of our daily movement in the city, in the country wherever we are, it is no longer a sitting position it is now a state of mind.

Over the long haul, different for everyone, it slows down the mind chatter by dissolving the internal talking heads, conflict that causes stress the babble of worry, not only slows but eventually gives it a one way ticket to nowhere which is where most of it came from.

Have you ever wondered what peace of mind is? It is unbelievably simple it is a lack of internal dialog in a broadcast of confusing messages, one sending us to hell for bad karma and another rising us to sainthood the good Samaritan badge of I am ok your ok. If the politician’s only would ad in you personal preference, if everybody became what ever our favorite flavor of religion is at the time, ya now the world would be ok.

It’s a Los Angeles, Chicago, New York congestion al la mode heaped till our minds crack and will accept a dulling of awareness just to get away form it all, lots of beer, smoke and conversation without content.

Meditation brings silence a shut off switch on the madness button, and even better without the tinted curtains of what we think reality is, the light once again shines, sleeping beauty awakens, a spark of hope is found in the prism of a drop of water that returns us to a universe in a ham sandwich a grain of sand, pebble, flower, laughter is once again contagious and we are not looking for a vaccine of serious to make it stop.

The internet is full of data on the mental, emotional and physical benefits of meditation and yes its all true, but there is way more to it, it literally brings back the joy and magic of life the potent rich mixture of lushes’ cream cheese cake, the shot of erotic pumping through our right brain left brain body mind on tip toes this good shit, give me another drink of that.

You will be able to think again with out the constant conflict of this or that right or wrong, the wasted energy that dichotomy sucks from the mind. We gain in vitality realizing that much of our thinking had been parasitic.

So in simple terms what I am sharing is worth a million times more than the fifteen to twenty minutes a day that we sit in meditation and become the watcher of the internal dialog till it becomes other that who we are, till we realize we are not the content of our mind.

Then we begin to realize we are the creators and content makers of living movies in reality we are the writer and directors of the play, hello William Shakespeare.

This is liberation and a return to the magic theatre of life. Get a free download of the well known guided meditation Creative Visualization

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