This is a popular idea these days but often out of the box is just another of the same with a different costume. So before we decide to make the jump lets first understand what this box is made off what is its hold on us.
At least in part it is made of beliefs, words that hold, mold, meanings and e-motion energy in motion. The words God, Love, hate and death all have emotional feelings, impact unless you only speak mandarin Chinese then those words have no meaning no feeling or emotion, this is important to understand that our culture teaches us and indoctrinates us with meaning, feelings sometimes with such impact that we are blinded by our own beliefs.
A word then can carry a big story and emotional process that drives us moves us in ways we are often unconscious off, we don’t recognize how it impacts our life.
So lets grab a hot word, Ambition, Ambitious, meaning drive, movement, hard working and culturally has a feeling of vigor, value, power, and expression. Most often taught of as positive, good valuable, he or she is so ambitious.
The box, when ambition is motivated by a drive for success it most often contains not just vigor and drive but also action without concern, discrimination. The drive for success often careless provoked by images of success, big houses, fancy cars, winning the war and often high stress, heart disease, ulcers, acid reflux and the list goes on.
In other words we are driven, literally by and attitude of belief coupled with e-motion and we often can’t and won’t acknowledge that we are in a box, to see that our beliefs are and imprisonment. To see would be frightening and threatening to our livelihood, as no more mining is a threat to people in the coal industry.
Let go of ambition I can’t do that, I will be nothing, I will have no juice, no motivation, no money, no drive shut up you are scaring me.
We have forgotten as children we were motivated by the expression of life, joy, excitement, curiosity not by ambition images of power or lots of things, that all came later when we gave up self worth for the commodity of goods, more toys and bobbles of self image.
I have no pill for this or a scalpel to cut open this crate of conformity.
But we do have thought and feelings that when paid attention too with a kind of Zen self-awareness a mind fullness that has learned to observe without judgment. Alpha meditation is a prime method to open to this awareness.
That awareness can begin to discover how we are driven by words and concepts based on cultural values that often are stealing from our lives our peace of mind our joy and happiness, and also our world and environment in its larger expression.
We can begin to discover that the same conceptual boxes drive the often-destructive actions of oil, coal and other industries and that it and we are similar, are a mirror of each other.
We possibly cannot control it, but we can become aware of our own hook into the emotional turmoil that drives us unconsciously, so much so that our heart, our empathy, our love for life is distorted, dissolved into habituated actions and we have become dulled rather than invigorated.
Awareness is the willingness to see that the real treat is not being willing to recognize what our actions are creating, to realize that staying unconsciousness is our potential destruction.
Re-discover the magic in you at http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Please leave comments and suggestions.
J Dino Delano
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