Within you is a genius, when you liberate your imagination your genius unfolds.
Just a few famous imaginers James Cameron the Avatar Movie, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein the list is thick with scientist, creators of music, writers, inventors and artist.
How do we liberate it, bring it out into the open, remember your dreams is a good starting point, in your dreams you can fly, manipulate realities, create monsters, angles see people you have never seen before and meet them objectively two weeks later.
In the dream state you are often uninhibited not controlled by your beliefs. That liberation can teach you to think out of the box.
Humor loosens up our imagination during a speech you might see the audience in their underwear to help dispel fears. Robin Williams is incredible at using mental imagery as a stand up comedian. Silly idea’s seeing the boss with egg on her face a person you dislike falling in a mud puddle you get the idea.
Another good technique is to get a writing pad and start writing without editing no control of grammar or content let come whatever hits the page no matter how angry, ugly, gross, sappy or idealistic the writing might be. Do this for ten minutes every day for ten days you will be amazed at how it loosens up your creative process.
Make a note of limiting beliefs, the I can’t do this or that and imagine yourself doing it, I have a bit of a fear of height so I sometime imagine myself walking a high wire over the Grand Canyon. If you think you could never do something imagine yourself doing it, kiss a frog, bite a rattlesnake, step on a politician you hate. If you think you could never parachute out of a plane see yourself doing it, all of these imaginings will loosen up mental rigidity. Often we feel that imagining something is the same as doing it, which obviously it is not.
Here is a simple fact everyone uses Creative Visualization consciously or unconsciously the methods I have mentioned is a way to learn to consciously direct this facility of genius that you possess.
The individual who is continually having accidents or failing in relationships is seeing and feeling themselves fail at and unconscious level. This causes us to take actions that bring about what we are imagining.
Fear of failure has mental pictures and mental chatter attached to the feelings of failure, but most people pay almost no attention to these levels of awareness. So how they are creating their reality remains unconsciousness to them, they blame parents, teachers, friends and circumstance and do not see how their inner imaginings are creating their experience.
Liberating your imagination is a major key in developing creativity and also taking conscious control of your life experience.
Can you imagine going on American Idol or opening a new business and seeing your self-failing, many do just that they are being controlled by fears and mental downloads of negative information that came from parents, teachers, friends and environment.
• Keys to liberating your Imagination.
• Remember your dreams write them down.
• Create humorous images in your imagination.
• Write for ten minutes without editing.
• Make a note of limiting beliefs.
• Become aware of mental dialog that creates failure.
• Use guided visual meditations.
Today you can start to take conscious control of your life by learning guided meditation and Creative Visualization, you can go to http://www.1creativevisualization.com and down load a copy of the well know guided meditation Creative Visualization.
J Dino Delano
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