We will squeeze the grape and make wine for the soul, awareness for the mind and body. Here we will discuss healing and the creation of your reality. Come with curiosity and open parachute of mind and we will have a good time.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Anatomy of Belief

Belief is the engine that moves your e-motions think of emotion as energy in motion they cause you to act, powers your thinking, controls your health, weight and longevity, it is the very foundation of how you act think and become and of course it is what you use to create your reality.
This insight will give you the tools and leverage to create the reality you choose and also give you the insight to how you got to where you are at this point in time.
Belief is the foundation like the concrete blocks holding up a house or how the steel beams of a baseball stadium hold it up and together.
Imagine little Jimmy he is three years old, his parents hate Mexicans because they believe they are stealing from the economy, jobs, social services etc.
The language in the household is those dam Mexicans feeding off of my taxes, taking our jobs, strong feeling expressed with the pounding of a fist on the table.
By the time Jimmy is 7,8, 15 or 20 he hates Mexicans and most of his beliefs are subconscious, he knows how he feels but is unaware of why he feels the way he does. Oh he will give you the same reasons his father and mother had but from his viewpoint they are his reasons, he is unaware of his early programming.
His beliefs power his emotions about Mexicans, his beliefs control his thinking about Mexicans, and his beliefs control his feeling and actions toward Mexicans.
It is possible of course that Jimmy could meet a person of Mexican decent like them and their relationship change his view over a period of time in the process.
Follow the process; belief is the engine like a horse pulling the cart of feeling and emotions behind. You read a story about the people in a place called Hunza many who live to be one hundred and twenty years old they are very active all of their life, and have children into their 70ties and 80ties, it blows away your concept about aging and also excites you that its possible to live very old and vital.
You do further studies and research and discover yes there are many people in different cultures with different belief who live old and vital.
This new idea causes you to start exercising you begin to imagine yourself healthy and physically fit. You study nutrition and start to eat organic foods, you drop thirty pounds you start meditating, friends and relatives comment on how you look 10 to 15 years younger than your age.
Your friend Roger is turning sixty he is about to retire, he FEELS his life is getting close to over, he believes in the cultural standard his beliefs lead to less activity, after all he is getting older, he is taking several pharmaceuticals for a variety of problems this of course reinforces his beliefs so he feels that his longevity is beyond his capacity to make any difference, and he dies at 72.
When belief joins with feelings it has the power to totally change a persons experience of the present and future for positive or negative.
The choice is always our own, but most believe in cultural standards, the science of the day, or what they were told by parents, teacher or relatives. Never questioning they follow someones lead who had no idea of where they are going or why.
Let me acknowledge making change is not always easy sometimes past fears, trauma or even your closest friends and relatives don’t want you to change so yes it can be a bitch. But persistence in changing our thinking will lead to a major difference in feelings and feelings will move us into more positive actions.
Many New Age gurus do us a disservice by trying to make us believe that it just takes a few visualizations or there brand of affirmations and all will change just as you want it to.
Truth is sometimes it is easy, but is also often difficult months of hard work discovering what is blocking our path, wrestling with old patterns of behavior that hang on like super glue and then finally a breakthrough.
It is not unlike learning to play a musical instrument, build a house or develop a relationship, there are mistakes, failures, wins and eventually we master and area of our life.
Let me leave you with this thought that what ever it is that you want to create it is possible, but you must be willing to not just work to change your beliefs and actions to attain it, but also be wiling to challenge long held beliefs that are holding you back.
Right knowledge acted upon is development of Personal Power the power to create your own life. So be very discriminate in who and what you decide to believe in.
The book “Discover the Magic in You” is full of methods and techniques developed from working with many thousands of people internationally, that will indeed shorten and make your process of transformation much easier. Go to http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Friday, July 30, 2010

Are we following the juice of our inspiration or the gloom of the intellectually uninspired?
Imagination moves and controls our feelings imagine where that takes us when we listen to the doom and gloom broadcasters.
Imagination powers e-motion energy in motion, A person with passion, inspiration is a human with e-motion energy in motion.
And so is the person with a negative attitude, the depressed and whoa is me attitude, in this case the energy is turned inward into non-action they are in the deep freeze. This is what happens to us when we listen to long and to often to the fear merchants, as fear shuts off the part of the brain that can think create and discriminate.
The sellers of fear are on very corner governments hosting war, religion who preach damnation, pharmaceutical companies who use fear to sell drugs, media who focus ninety five per cent on the negative for the sake of sensationalism and a larger listening audience so they can sell more advertising.
Pay attention to how you feel when you are caught up in the bandwagon of self-deprivation, the Sara Palin’s and Rush Limbaugh’s of the media circus. Anger boosted by emotional based imaginative dooms day messages. Simply called hype.
Most people have not taken their imagination back its owned by the current trend of dull thinkers using fear based emotion to gather the un-thinking and un-informed. And of course the past down loads of you will never amount to anything given by parents and teachers who mistakenly thought this was motivation.
Becoming aware of how we allow ourselves to get caught up in this morass of negative is the first step to breaking free.
The next step is to realize we can direct where our imagination takes us, and yes it is imagination that moves us step by step through the unfolding of our personal and collective reality.
When you watched Michael Jackson dance and sing, Nelson Mandela unite South Africa or Oprah Winfrey conduct her expanse of business and promotions you are seeing human beings expressing their imaginations out into the objective world.
Imagination is one of the greatest gifts that we humans possess that through creative visualization we can alter change and create the very fiber of our existence.
In this the past no longer has power over us.
Imagination presents and image and idea, we see feel and imagine this new business, this relationship, our body healed, our new car, home or job then we set forth with inspired dreams and do the work to make it come true, we are creators and we often do it in spite of the non believers.
The uninspired and uninformed intellectuals of the time believed in a flat world, silent films but not ones that could talk, they still believe in war, oil and that the earth is commodity to be exploited. They live in the world’s biggest box called conformity.
You and I are the lucky ones we can learn like learning to ride a bicycle or operate a computer that we can be the Directors and create through the conscious’s use of our imagination.
Go to http:www.1creativevisualizaton.com and download a free guided meditation called Creative Visualization and start creating your reality today.
Dino Delano
Monday, July 19, 2010
Meditation A Return To Magic
I have been forty years using meditation I will share with you the Magic that will unfold into your life from using this very simple method.
Children best express the uncluttered mind; most of us now have a head full of bargain basement stuff dribbling in adverting and mental analysis that is sheep’s wool pulled over the eyes that once saw the world through untainted lenses.
Children are enlightened till we talk them out of it.
Try to remember if you can when a fallen autumn leaf was a kaleidoscope dream of colored expression that made you giddy with delight like a child gone mad in the excitement of a world revealing itself naked in all its glory.
The snow fell silently in a moon lit night and you could hear it touch the ground you were enveloped in a cocoon of butterfly transformation, a grass hopper made you want to jump, a bull frog was a grumpy grandpa.
It was all new like traveling the first time to a foreign country, music to the eyes, drum beats of excitement on a city street in Bombay, Bangkok and Madrid. Better than a new dress or I pod, more exciting than a feature film.
You are in it like a lucid dream, can you remember when almost everything was magical?
The years and the monotony of the same breakfast takes its tool on curiosity and the wonder drug of a new world has worn off, oh hum, another day another dollar, oh hum when do I get off work so I can slump in front of the TV and dissolve this boredom in something into anything.
The magic has been gone for so long we forget like we can’t remember what its like when we first fall in love, so what has this got to do with meditation.
Meditation eventually transforms into Zen the moment aware. Meditation becomes a part of our daily movement in the city, in the country wherever we are, it is no longer a sitting position it is now a state of mind.
Over the long haul, different for everyone, it slows down the mind chatter by dissolving the internal talking heads, conflict that causes stress the babble of worry, not only slows but eventually gives it a one way ticket to nowhere which is where most of it came from.
Have you ever wondered what peace of mind is? It is unbelievably simple it is a lack of internal dialog in a broadcast of confusing messages, one sending us to hell for bad karma and another rising us to sainthood the good Samaritan badge of I am ok your ok. If the politician’s only would ad in you personal preference, if everybody became what ever our favorite flavor of religion is at the time, ya now the world would be ok.
It’s a Los Angeles, Chicago, New York congestion al la mode heaped till our minds crack and will accept a dulling of awareness just to get away form it all, lots of beer, smoke and conversation without content.
Meditation brings silence a shut off switch on the madness button, and even better without the tinted curtains of what we think reality is, the light once again shines, sleeping beauty awakens, a spark of hope is found in the prism of a drop of water that returns us to a universe in a ham sandwich a grain of sand, pebble, flower, laughter is once again contagious and we are not looking for a vaccine of serious to make it stop.
The internet is full of data on the mental, emotional and physical benefits of meditation and yes its all true, but there is way more to it, it literally brings back the joy and magic of life the potent rich mixture of lushes’ cream cheese cake, the shot of erotic pumping through our right brain left brain body mind on tip toes this good shit, give me another drink of that.
You will be able to think again with out the constant conflict of this or that right or wrong, the wasted energy that dichotomy sucks from the mind. We gain in vitality realizing that much of our thinking had been parasitic.
So in simple terms what I am sharing is worth a million times more than the fifteen to twenty minutes a day that we sit in meditation and become the watcher of the internal dialog till it becomes other that who we are, till we realize we are not the content of our mind.
Then we begin to realize we are the creators and content makers of living movies in reality we are the writer and directors of the play, hello William Shakespeare.
This is liberation and a return to the magic theatre of life. Get a free download of the well known guided meditation Creative Visualization http://www.1creativevisualization.com
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Healing Is Just A Breath Away

I will give you methods you can use today that you can use to direct the healing process in your body. First we will examine how blockage in the flow of energy or what is often termed Chi gets clogged up in the body. Then we will discover how we can direct the movement of chi to bring about healing.
Babies when first born have a lack of skills in movement, the same is true in learning to move energy it is no different than learning to walk, write or any skill that we learned as we were growing up, and the beauty is age makes no difference and eighty year old can learn to ride a bike or draw.
Here is a good way to imagine blockage, during certain season’s creaks and rivers tend to get clogged up with sticks, logs and debris. When the snowmelt’s or we get heavy rainstorms the strong flow of water clears out the channels allowing the water to flow smoothly.
Our body’s act in a similar way, keep in mind the earth is a body so the similarity is not a far fetched idea. This is one of the reasons why exercise and movement cause and increase in vitality and health we are keeping not just the veins and arteries clear but also the passage way of energy, oxygen moving through the system.
Prolonged blockage leads to stagnation and disease, so disease then is a blockage in energy. Arthritis is joints freezing up so there is a loss of flexibility; chi is the grease to loosen up joints.
What are some of the causes of blockage, beliefs are a main cause. Think of belief as the engine or the horse pulling the cart, so the horse or engine is the power, the cart behind the horse is the feelings that are generated by the belief.
A good example lets call her Mary and she is full of fears, her parents taught her to fear rape, that many men are evil, to be on the lookout etc. When you are afraid and you can’t run or get away how does it feel, how do we act. A young child in school afraid of the bully will hide, become quiet try not to be seen, their voice is lowered so not to be noticed, they are trying to hide within, pulled in, introverted.
The person is holding their energy conversely in anger spoken out or a physical fight or flight the energy is expended a flow is happening and if they get away afterwards there is a release and many times a feeling of peace.
Fearful beliefs often cause things like arthritis, ridged beliefs ridged body the fear of speaking out can cause TMJ Temporomandibular joint disorder. Tight ass hemorrhoid’s, a quick story as a kid I grew up with my grandparents, my grandfather had a big thing about being late, so when I would come home late I would get a kick in the ass. Years later as and adult when stressed my hemorrhoids would flare up, very painful. Then one night in a dream I saw my grandfather kicking me in the ass when I woke up I realized that when I felt I had done something wrong or I felt guilty for not doing something quite right I would kick myself in the ass and my hemorrhoids would flare up, I have never had the problem since, the awareness of what I was doing to myself released the trauma.
This may seem very foreign to you just keep in your awareness mind and body are one. Your deep seated beliefs cause feeling and the feelings effect your body, think about when you are at the movies and its scary or you feel angry, indignant, remorse, depressed or excited it wasn’t just in your head you felt the emotions through out your whole body.
Held energy cause stress, rigidity in thought and action, conversely movement cause vitality flexibility in thought and action. There are many ways to move energy, exercise, anger, and a major one is breath and imagination. “Where your attention goes your energy flows”
By breathing into any area of the body and using your imagination you will cause energy to flow into the area. Think breath is full of oxygen, oxygen feeds a fire, oxygen is full of high octane fuel so pumping oxygen into a blocked area causes a breakup in the stagnation the creeks and rivers start flowing again, the veins and arteries get cleaned out, breath is life and life is healing.
Lets imagine Tom has and enlarged prostate, he lies on his back hand below the navel and takes a deep breath through his nose into the lower abdomen and exhales through his nose into that spot between the testicles and anus, he does that for twenty five breaths, or lets say he has arthritis in his hands so in a sitting or laying down position he inhales through the nose deep into the abdomen and exhales into his hand imagining the energy lighting up his hands and fingers, after twenty five breaths he sees and feels his hands moving freely and easily.
Usually within eight to ten days you will feel and opening in the block area that you are working on it is best to keep the exercise up for about three weeks. Several years ago I had arthritis in my feet in doing similar exercises I went through a gamut of emotions, I felt despair, anger, depression and rejection which were feelings I had felt as a child growing up in a very dysfunctional family, and the emotions had effected my feet, think of feet as stability, my child hood was very unstable, mind and body are one. Often when we are in the process of healing it will bring up some of the original emotions that were attached to the problem this is very normal and yes I did heal it completely.
You can heal your self, learn more at http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Thinking Out Of The Box

This is a popular idea these days but often out of the box is just another of the same with a different costume. So before we decide to make the jump lets first understand what this box is made off what is its hold on us.
At least in part it is made of beliefs, words that hold, mold, meanings and e-motion energy in motion. The words God, Love, hate and death all have emotional feelings, impact unless you only speak mandarin Chinese then those words have no meaning no feeling or emotion, this is important to understand that our culture teaches us and indoctrinates us with meaning, feelings sometimes with such impact that we are blinded by our own beliefs.
A word then can carry a big story and emotional process that drives us moves us in ways we are often unconscious off, we don’t recognize how it impacts our life.
So lets grab a hot word, Ambition, Ambitious, meaning drive, movement, hard working and culturally has a feeling of vigor, value, power, and expression. Most often taught of as positive, good valuable, he or she is so ambitious.
The box, when ambition is motivated by a drive for success it most often contains not just vigor and drive but also action without concern, discrimination. The drive for success often careless provoked by images of success, big houses, fancy cars, winning the war and often high stress, heart disease, ulcers, acid reflux and the list goes on.
In other words we are driven, literally by and attitude of belief coupled with e-motion and we often can’t and won’t acknowledge that we are in a box, to see that our beliefs are and imprisonment. To see would be frightening and threatening to our livelihood, as no more mining is a threat to people in the coal industry.
Let go of ambition I can’t do that, I will be nothing, I will have no juice, no motivation, no money, no drive shut up you are scaring me.
We have forgotten as children we were motivated by the expression of life, joy, excitement, curiosity not by ambition images of power or lots of things, that all came later when we gave up self worth for the commodity of goods, more toys and bobbles of self image.
I have no pill for this or a scalpel to cut open this crate of conformity.
But we do have thought and feelings that when paid attention too with a kind of Zen self-awareness a mind fullness that has learned to observe without judgment. Alpha meditation is a prime method to open to this awareness.
That awareness can begin to discover how we are driven by words and concepts based on cultural values that often are stealing from our lives our peace of mind our joy and happiness, and also our world and environment in its larger expression.
We can begin to discover that the same conceptual boxes drive the often-destructive actions of oil, coal and other industries and that it and we are similar, are a mirror of each other.
We possibly cannot control it, but we can become aware of our own hook into the emotional turmoil that drives us unconsciously, so much so that our heart, our empathy, our love for life is distorted, dissolved into habituated actions and we have become dulled rather than invigorated.
Awareness is the willingness to see that the real treat is not being willing to recognize what our actions are creating, to realize that staying unconsciousness is our potential destruction.
Re-discover the magic in you at http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Please leave comments and suggestions.
J Dino Delano
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Liberate The Creative Genius Within

Within you is a genius, when you liberate your imagination your genius unfolds.
Just a few famous imaginers James Cameron the Avatar Movie, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein the list is thick with scientist, creators of music, writers, inventors and artist.
How do we liberate it, bring it out into the open, remember your dreams is a good starting point, in your dreams you can fly, manipulate realities, create monsters, angles see people you have never seen before and meet them objectively two weeks later.
In the dream state you are often uninhibited not controlled by your beliefs. That liberation can teach you to think out of the box.
Humor loosens up our imagination during a speech you might see the audience in their underwear to help dispel fears. Robin Williams is incredible at using mental imagery as a stand up comedian. Silly idea’s seeing the boss with egg on her face a person you dislike falling in a mud puddle you get the idea.
Another good technique is to get a writing pad and start writing without editing no control of grammar or content let come whatever hits the page no matter how angry, ugly, gross, sappy or idealistic the writing might be. Do this for ten minutes every day for ten days you will be amazed at how it loosens up your creative process.
Make a note of limiting beliefs, the I can’t do this or that and imagine yourself doing it, I have a bit of a fear of height so I sometime imagine myself walking a high wire over the Grand Canyon. If you think you could never do something imagine yourself doing it, kiss a frog, bite a rattlesnake, step on a politician you hate. If you think you could never parachute out of a plane see yourself doing it, all of these imaginings will loosen up mental rigidity. Often we feel that imagining something is the same as doing it, which obviously it is not.
Here is a simple fact everyone uses Creative Visualization consciously or unconsciously the methods I have mentioned is a way to learn to consciously direct this facility of genius that you possess.
The individual who is continually having accidents or failing in relationships is seeing and feeling themselves fail at and unconscious level. This causes us to take actions that bring about what we are imagining.
Fear of failure has mental pictures and mental chatter attached to the feelings of failure, but most people pay almost no attention to these levels of awareness. So how they are creating their reality remains unconsciousness to them, they blame parents, teachers, friends and circumstance and do not see how their inner imaginings are creating their experience.
Liberating your imagination is a major key in developing creativity and also taking conscious control of your life experience.
Can you imagine going on American Idol or opening a new business and seeing your self-failing, many do just that they are being controlled by fears and mental downloads of negative information that came from parents, teachers, friends and environment.
• Keys to liberating your Imagination.
• Remember your dreams write them down.
• Create humorous images in your imagination.
• Write for ten minutes without editing.
• Make a note of limiting beliefs.
• Become aware of mental dialog that creates failure.
• Use guided visual meditations.
Today you can start to take conscious control of your life by learning guided meditation and Creative Visualization, you can go to http://www.1creativevisualization.com and down load a copy of the well know guided meditation Creative Visualization.
J Dino Delano
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Creative visualization is no doubt one of the most magical and powerful techniques that you can learn to create your reality.
Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to make dreams come true. Used in the right way, creative visualization can improve our life and attract success and prosperity. It is a power that can alter our environment and circumstances, cause events to happen, and attract money, possessions, work, people and love into our life. Creative visualization uses the power of the mind, and is the power behind every success.
Using visualization you reprogram you mind-body system for success.
The how of it, as a baby before you could walk you watched the big people around you and in the process you downloaded the images into you mind-body system. Brain and body are one the nervous system is like a spider web that interconnects the whole of you.
Then you began to try it out, stumble, fall, stand and a few steps eventually you walked. If you had been brought up by primates you would have mimicked what they did, a monkey see monkey do.
This is a marvelous understanding that you can program your expressions through visualization just as and actor would do. Your brain and nervous system can model any expression that we see with in the limits of what a human body can do.
We also learned negative and positive ways of behaving in relationships, money, communication and so many other things in the exact same way.
This is important there is nothing wrong with the human system, but often times we have had dysfunctional downloads that lead to failure.
A story, I will call her Maria she took on of my workshops at the Center for Mind Ecology in Sacramento, Ca the workshop went from Tuesday through Friday 7pm to 10pm and all day Saturday and Sunday.
Maria was very quiet and reserved she didn’t ask questions and didn’t come through the Saturday and Sunday segment of the workshop. I wondered what had happened to her, I am usually a little concerned when people don’t finish thinking possibly it didn’t work well for them.
About ten months later Maria came and repeated the program, I asked her what had happened to her and why she didn’t finish.
Oh Dino she said my physician recommended your workshop to me at the time I had bone marrow cancer and could no longer tolerate the drugs. After taking the workshop I started using visualization to imagine see and feel myself healthy. About six months later I went in for a check up and they discovered I was completely clear of the cancer.
I have experienced dramatic results such as this hundreds of times over the last forty years. I have seen it in sports two students of mine won the equivalent of All American in Canada for the javelin and shot put and American River College teacher Larry healed himself of high blood pressure and arthritis, the list of amazing experience is so extensive it would take at least fifteen hundred pages of a book to come close to telling them all and that is just from my experience can you imagine what it is now on a world wide basis.
You can put creative visualization to work right now today creating abundance, speed up the healing and learning process and so much more. Go to http://www.1creativevisualization.com and down load the FREE copy of the guided meditation “Creative Visualization” that I have taught to over 14,000 people internationally.
J Dino Delano
Sunday, June 20, 2010

A shift in our perception can cause a major change in our life not just in thinking but also in our outcomes.
Often a shift can happen from something apparently simple.
About forty-five years ago I read a small paragraph that simply said what do you believe is the most important discovery in the world. The finding of dinosaur eggs, the great pyramids, man landing on the moon, no is not any of these it is the understanding that all comes from thought from imagination.
If you had been in the room with me at the time you would have taught I had gone crazy, I was jumping up and down, dancing around the room with such excitement, that simple statement hit me like a thunderbolt of lightening and intuition. I knew in that moment beyond a shadow of doubt that I could create my reality. That took place around 1961 long before that type of thinking was even discussed.
That experience led me to be at the forefront of the human potential movement in the early seventies.
And insight that happened during my early years of teaching mind potential seminars, someone told me about a remote place called Hunza in East Pakistan where the average person lived to be a hundred and twenty years of age. I did some research, found books and yes it was true.
That insight shifted me again to realize that our beliefs about aging were very narrow and limiting. Now at age 70 I still climb fourteen-foot mountains, I recognized that I could be healthy and vital at well over a hundred if I chose to. It is what I call “The Exception to the Rule”.
What we think, believe and feel becomes our reality, if we accept the norm that is usually just what we get.
Over twenty years ago I threw out the TV for me I saw it a waste of time, a robber of my creativity and a mass media programmer. That decision has given me the time to become a published photographer, poet and author of several books. More important it opened up vistas of experience that I otherwise might never have had like doing photography in Burma, Cambodia, Thailand and several other places.
Most humans allow them self to fall into categories the parent, janitor, policeman, principal, software engineer and that image that identification often controls the persons actions and behavior and therefore there reality.
Don’t misunderstand there nothing wrong with being any of the above if that is what we wish to do, but all to often following the rule leads to personal stagnation.
Just the idea to be “Exception to the Rule” can change your perspective can allow us to not be dominated by what everyone else is doing and what others think we should do. Peer pressure robs many a human being of their dreams.
Some thoughts are liberating and many are nothing more than the accepted norm.
A great book on liberating your thinking go to http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Friday, June 11, 2010

This technique is so simple that sometimes people will not try it because it is too easy. And to some it seems silly.
I have taught this method to well over 14,000 people in seminars all over the country including Canada.
Ok the next time you have a headache or right now if you have one now, follow these simple steps.
#1 where is you headache located. DON’T POINT, instead go inside and find its location.
Examples: my right temple, just above my right eye or all across my forehead etc.
#2 what is the shape of you headache.
Examples: a knot, about the shape of a ping-pong ball, a small flat plate or wavy lines.
#3 what type of pain is it. Describe the pain.
Examples: sharp and cutting, throbbing, intense etc
#4 What color is your headache. This is tough one for many so just play along if it had a color what would it be.
Examples: bluish, muddy gray, black and ugly, kind of whitish etc.
# 1 start all over again, where is your headache located then go on to 2, 3, 4 and so on.
With the thousands of people I have done this with very few get by a third round, usually by that time they can no longer find the headache.
Here are a couple of stories from over the years. I was conducting a workshop at the Center For Mind Ecology in Sacramento, CA most of the classes there were around forty to sixty people. I would always ask does anyone have a headache so to do a demonstration.
Laura raised her hand, ok Laura close your eyes, where is your headache located, she automatically pointed. I said no don’t point just describe the location, which she did. Then I went on to what is its shape and so on to #3 then #4. We went through the technique twice on the last round I said ok where is it located, Laura opened her eyes and said wow I can’t find it.
The she shared with the class that she had, had the headache for over two weeks and had tired massage, aspirin and acupressure and nothing had worked.
David was a good friend who did a lot of the maintenance around the center, he told us this story.
I was out on the front lawn removing the sprinkler heads to clean them. I had heated one up with a torch to loosen it and not thinking I reached out and grabbed with my open hand, and instantly felt the burning.
I was going to run in and put it under cold water then I remember you said that the same technique we used for headache control could be use on any kind of pain. So I closed my eyes and asked ok where is the pain located, around the edge of my hand, what is its shape, round like a bottle opening, what is its color red hot, what is its pain, intense. I went through it again and the pain had lessened, the third time through the pain was gone and all that was left was a bit of a red ring on my palm.
I learned this method from a Zen Monk, energy is a unified field and within the structure is the knowledge for healing, so when we focus using intent and visualization we often bring about a healing.
The Tahitians have been doing the fire-walk for centuries. In the late seventies two ladies from Russia came over to the US and started teaching people to walk over hot coals, then may others started teaching it and I have personally done the fire walk.
Mind and imagination is very powerful tool when used with the right knowledge.
For more on this go to http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A Time For Healing

Truth is a beacon of light on a darkened path. Without truth what is mentally, emotionally and physically powerful becomes corrupt and leads to disaster.
The Laws of Attraction, Positive thinking, creative visualization and many such modalities that are methods to creating our reality, work. In fact when put to disciplined use and playful spontaneity work as though we had found a magic wand that can attract money, building purposeful careers to manifesting relationships, scholarships and often creating major healings.
That is just a very few of the positives that are created by what we might call new mind thought, in actuality you can trace the mental creation of the objective world back to the Egyptians and beyond. But until the last century much of this information was kept secret by the priest craft in fear that if the public knew this information they world loose their control.
Before going on let me state I am not against money, beautiful homes, appealing automobiles and elegant clothing. But and the but is that it is obvious that we in general as a culture have gone way over the top in our desire for material riches, to the point the we have lost our sense of natural values, and often have become willing to sacrifice other people and cultures and the environment to have our material wealth.
When these powerful modalities are connected to our current value system of who ever has the most toys wins, when self worth is based on how many dollars one has, how famous, how right, top of the hill images representing value. Are you wearing your Mercedes, BMW or Lexus today mentality?
The eyes of the soul are now hidden behind the shaded lenses of a value system, which corrupts. It does not dilute the power of creative visualization it turns it into and individual who is in it strictly for their own self-gratification.And may I point out to one that is often never satisfied, never enough, and many times not fulfilling.
This has nothing to do with right or wrong. Right and wrong belief systems will blind the most gifted of human beings, they become subjugated to thinking this or that rather than being aware of the out come of our actions and that there is more than just two options.
A value system that does not include the worth of every living creature from ant to human is flawed and will lead to personal and collective disaster.
If you think I am over stating take a moment to view our current collective world situation, which is a reflection of our current beliefs and actions. Our current world events were not created by the mob or the group, it is created by individual acts, with individual beliefs. Joe might have Catholic beliefs is but those beliefs are uniquely his in how he expresses them. How they are put into the world. One Catholic steals and plunders another feeds the needy.
No matter how sacred, pious intellectual, moving or right on we might think a belief is. It is still the individual who has the POWER TO ACT.
The power to display and build in the world of mud, water, bricks, put word to pen and paper.
Believing we are loved is a band-aid on a gaping wound. Knowing we are loved is the antidote to the bite of hatred and abuse.
The difference between a belief and knowing is as different as flowing moving water and ice, the wood structure holding your house together and wood burning in the fire, food on the table and food in your belly. Many have a belief in and after life, but are terrified of dying. The person who has had and NDE near death experience is no longer afraid of death, their understanding has moved from belief to knowing by experience.
Knowledge based solely on belief is a house on a sand foundation. Knowledge based on knowing, objective or subjective is a mind enlightened with knowing.
What is the point of all this, I am going to share with you my knowing experience that I had with over fourteen thousand people in workshop over a twelve year period. People form all walks of life who have solved unsolvable problems, became super hero’s in sports, healed themselves of cancer, arthritis and a host of many other maladies, attracted money, relationships and brought success often to a life filled with failures.
It would be remiss of me not to point out that these methods not only give you the way to direct a personal power that at this point in time you might not even know you have. But that power can be equally used destructive as well as positively creative and creative in a way that benefits all of life.
A young new driver without an experience of the road can be a major danger in a Ferrari that can turn the clock at over two hundred miles and hour.
I cannot give you experience that you must do for yourself, but I can share with you a viewpoint that I know you have had, that can possibly lead to more holistic values. What we often think as valuable or power often becomes ash in the descending years of our lives.
What we know sustains us, give us value that cannot be stolen, will guide us through the most horrendous experiences of life.
Most of what we value and its worth are based on perception. “Diamonds are a girls best friend” is a statement drilled into the psyche by advertising and cultural values. These little gems are promoted as rare when in fact they are stockpiled by the hundreds of thousands, and distributed into the jewelry market to appear as scarce. Much of what we value is subjective emotionally based attitudes promoted by media, industry, religion and other forms of promoted belief. “Clothes make the man” and a million other slogans control the buying and value habits of and economy based on consumption.
We know by experience that much of our material believed riches eventually turn to dust, so we continue to look for intrinsic value where it is not, and buy more hoping to fill the often emptiness based on material goods alone.
There are some things that we experience daily often without a sense of gratitude or recognition that sustains us till our last breath. So lets start with breath, oxygen, air. Yes go ahead in-hale and release, not only can we not live without it, but in a stale room or closed in car, bus, basement to step out side and catch a breath of fresh air, is such a relief. To have the air knocked out of you and we are gasping for breath and when it finally comes, WOW what a gift, what a feeling I am going to live, and what a sense of gratitude.
The sniffles, coughing, wheezing, gagging for air cold, and after several days of stifled misery we breath again, oh my how wonderful. Please take a moment and think about your breath and that there is only one air like there is only one sky and that, that one breath belongs to all of us creatures here on planet earth. Is it not one of our most valued possessions while in a human body?
Do you speak, gesture, make face, cry for food as does a baby, scream in pain, ask for more, say no, yes, hold up a hand to stop, wave to bring close, giggle with delight, cry with loss and grief. Yes we speak in a thousand different ways besides language; it is all language, a wave , the hiss of a snake, the growl of a dog.
Without out breath none of this is possible. How important then the quality of our air, is the coal factory more valuable in our economy or is our breath and the rain forest that manufactures twenty percent of the worlds oxygen and absolutely needed commodity.
The air belongs to all.
As babies we cry, scream for food, as adults we work, go to the grocery store, till the soil, we feed our bodies till the day we die. That fresh bite of a strawberry, watermelon on a hot day, corn on the cob in summer, the grape, the juice the wine the brilliance of its color, aroma, it sings on the pallet in our mouth, ice cream for desert for breakfast that smooth cool feeling in the mouth.
Food like manna, like friends around the table, coffee with a friend, a shared sandwich, a pickle between kids. This food that nourishes, delights, brings together, holds conversation, gains admittance to a party, a meeting a relationship. This food that is a given from a tree from a bush, out of the ground, how valuable is it. Is it more than fame, BMW or diploma on the wall? Yes of course, obvious worth, value in the extreme.
Does my, does your value system nourish it, make whole, make holistic give up the poisons, is my value system and my actions in the super market in the clothing store helping to support a foreign industry that works a fourteen year old sixteen, eighteen hours a day so we can have those hundred dollar running shoes or am I supporting and buying free trade merchandise. Yes I know none of us can be perfect with this but our awareness of value can bring about positive change.
On a hot day, August in Washington D.C a crowded bus in Belize, a hot walk on the unforgiving pavement in New York, Boston, Denver, frying eggs on and automobile’s hood in Sacramento valley, it’s a 112 degrees, its steaming your sweating, underwear sticking like glue, your in a hot fever bed.
A glass of water please.Quench my thirst, my need, my dry flat tongue, wet my face let it drip in my mouth, give me a little rain. Water from the veins of the Great Mother.
Water we once could drink without suspicion out of most streams and rivers. Is it as valuable as that proposed golf course that will be five miles closer to home that would dump thousands of gallons of pesticide into the living waters?
I am not trying to sell you on the environment, I am saying as a culture we have been blinded by the diamonds in the window, the silk suit, the designer shoes, the three cars sucking wind and the man or woman with the right look. We have lost our awareness of what is valuable; we use the environment, abuse it, pollute it and have forgotten the real meaning it plays in each of our lives.
So in your development of personal power, remember what is valuable, what actually sustains us, each of these breath, food and water is a gift of love from the great maker of life. Think we are loved daily with each breath, with each bite of food and with each drink of water.
Imagine what you can do with these methods that will allow you to direct your power however you will. The Book Discover the Magic http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Monday, May 17, 2010

Your body and mind are natural healers, are you in touch with it? Do you know how to listen to your body and mind, or is the noise from so much fear, pharmaceutical and medical mumbo jumbo blocking your ears? How do you get your intuition back?
When was the last time you went to a healing practitioner that talked with you, (not a questionnaire) asked how you were doing, is anything bothering you? Is there something you are afraid of? What are your hopes, dreams, where do you feel stuck, do you have some unresolved anger, resentment, despair, are you happy at this point in your life.
If you have a healing practitioner who spends some real time with you, consider your self one of the fortunate, most are on the clock, driven by capitalistic blue prints, controlled by ideas of ambition and success, which often has little to do with the Art of Healing.
Your healing is Art, inspiration, intuition, insight, spontaneity and dreams are equally powerful medicine, in fact may be the most important medicine you will receive during your process of gaining health and well being.
Have you taken responsibility for your problem? Oops I just said a dirty word, responsibility in our society often means, blame, guilt because you did something wrong, guilt because you are a bad person and brought this upon your self.
The word responsibility simply means the ability to respond, take action to heal the problem, become a part of the solution, and stop adding to the problem that takes self-honesty and insight, the willingness to dig for answers without being judgmental.
Self-questioning like, how am I aiding in creating this problem, this arthritis or whatever is going on. That was a question I asked myself when arthritis hit my feet. I realized I was scared to step out into the world, frightened of failure, scared to go broke. The reasons were multiple but all harbored around fear. So healing involved not just using creative visualization, foot message and acupuncture but also re-programming my subconscious having to do with self-confidence and my imaginings of doom. And yes I did heal the arthritis.
Taking responsibility means taking the reins of the horse you are riding and becoming the director not just a rider, the horse represents your personal power. The patient is always the healer the Dr, holistic health practitioner or shaman can often be and inspiration, hypnotist or catalyst but it is the person with the disease or problem that is the true healer, it comes from within you.
This is Art; good art is not just technique but even more so it is intuitive. What is your gut telling you, do you need a vacation, love, do you need to quit this job you hate, is your boss or spouse driving you crazy into stress and your not sleeping well. Do you need a mental enema from your head full of fear, pessimism and dread, are you generally afraid of life. What do you need to heal this problem besides a quick pill fix, which is often what many in the medical field prescribe? They are not trained to deal with the whole person only to treat symptoms and that is like spraying the city to get rid of mosquito’s and then treating the population for lung problems, you get the point.
Your healing could be the best thing that ever happened to you, depending not only on your attitude but also on what actions you take, what you learn from a problem can often revamp your life for the better, something that will last you your whole life time.
You are a body, mind and spirit, spirit meaning energy a force, fire, mind being awareness, intuitive, insight, body flesh organic feeling e-motive, and to further realize this is all one function.
Yes one, your flesh is spirit incarnate, your body is mind in action, movement involved in and organic process of being human. You are the earth walking, talking, thinking, and being aware of it-self in e-motive action.
In this state of oneness your thoughts feelings idea’s hopes dreams are as important as your chemistry, maybe more so since thoughts and idea’s create chemical changes.
The art of healing then is when you and I take into account the whole of our self and stop treating our self like a carved up cadaver.
This for most of us takes learning new things like meditation, Ti Chi, yoga, massage and sometimes giving up work we hate. We give up self-hate by learning to love and participate in the act of living as though we count for something as though the creator endowed us with more than just a mechanical mind and chemical body.
You can learn more at http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Becomeing A conscious Participant in Your Evolution

And evolution in consciousness is happening now, do we as individuals want to participate in and act of greater freedom or do we want to hold tight to the past.
By the end of this article I will give you links where you can learn how to involve yourself in this life process.
The fore-brain is and ad on in evolution giving us greater ability to participate in our evolvement, creating language, writing, imagining a future and creating it. Keep in mind the brain is a tool, not meant to just control us but more as a processing center where information can be changed and in the process altering our perception and experience in reality.
As long as we believe that we are the content of our mind there is no freedom.
The sixties and early seventies ushered into reality much more than just a human potential movement and a hippy free love attitude.
It brought into awareness that we as humans create our reality. That through imagination and action we could create realities, that in it-self is a profound recognition. Prior we generally believed in predestination, we had little control of our personal lives.
We began to understand that we were not meant or destined to be just teachers, janitors, engineers or mill workers; we could actually choose and create our reality.
We also made a major jump in conscious awareness in that we could participate in our mental and physical well being, we could literally create a life of health and vitality by becoming a participant.
This is not just O hum this is a major leap from being at the mercy of the health care industry, and old patterns of aging and what it means to be healthy.
During my years of training over fourteen thousand people I saw people heal themselves of cancer, arthritis, heart disease, muscular dystrophy and countless other mental and physical problems, some working with their medical practitioners and some choosing alternative methods.
This is big time becoming self empowered. No small feet, for the hundreds of thousands that became involved worldwide.
Major amounts of people began to consider the earth a living being, not just a hunk of ground to be controlled and exploited.
People swam with dolphins and some researchers freed them from their laboratory confines, we began to see videos of people interacting with wild animals earth and its inhabitants took on a whole new meaning, life started becoming sacred again.
We as a species began to leave the bleachers and participate consciously in our evolution. We began to realize we are not just our down loaded beliefs that were instilled in us as children we have the power to change them. We started to realize we could create our own mental content and so not just change the external world but also literally change both our internal perceptions and in the process change how we felt and interacted with our world.
Bruce Lipton discovered that our perceptions of reality altered our biology. We are not controlled by genes you can read more of his discovery in “The Biology of Belief” or listen to his work on you tube videos.
Along with meditation, hypnosis, creative visualization a whole new group of energy modalities arrived on the scene to help us achieve a more enlightened path.
A Buddha is no longer a historical figure representing enlightenment; there are now thousands of Buddha’s in the world.
What is next, as we learn that our mental content is not who we are, and as we disconnect our emotions from a host of dysfunctional belief systems the brain literally becomes quieter no longer trying to dominate consciousness, we are beginning to experience peace of mind, no longer controlled by the content of the brain.
We no longer have to protect our beliefs. We no longer need to kill to protect our way of living nor do we need to forcibly dominate other cultures with our brand of reality as though it were the only right and true one, which of course is a misperception.
We are actually beginning to peek at mental and physical freedom like we have never known before, a freedom from the known, open to possibility in the moment.
Yes of course not, not all of us have reached this perception but just as we have struggled out from under major aspects of our racial prejudice, we are struggling out from under suffocating and diminishing dysfunctional belief systems.
The fact is there is no there to get to. The belief in and ultimate reality is and ending a superficial heaven, nirvana. In this new pyridine we see a never-ending path of exploration and discovery.
Visit me at http:www.coolzenhealing.com/Books.htm
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We love inspirational stories movies they give us hope possibility and vision, but without persistence motivation often dies and early death.
What many times we do not realize is that the twin of inspiration is persistence and any one who has run a marathon, overcome depression without drugs, healed self hate, lost weight, conquered and addiction, written a book or accomplished any endeavor they once thought not possible will tell you persistence coupled with viable information is the key to opening up the channels of creativity and intuition.
As the story goes Thomas Edison did thousands of experiments before he found the solution to discovering the elements that brought about the light bulb.
I personally fought with debilitating depression for over six years before conquering the major part of it without the use of drugs. Do I still get depressed? Yes, but no longer debilitating and almost always short lived. For now I have the knowledge of how I am creating it.
Break through, I see the light, yes, yes that it or when eureka hits us is sometimes a long road filled with bull shit information, lack of confidence, financial problems, numerous failures on to lets try another way.
Getting to eureka is often a road walked barefoot on broken glass. Getting to the mountaintop can be incredibly frustrating.
Persistence is paramount in you or I coming to that place in body and mind where we begin to feel YES I can do this, YES I am beginning to see some light, YES I believe its possible.
It’s that stepping stone on the trail where we begin to see the mountaintop; we are beat tired at 13,000 feet breath is getting a little shorter and seeing the top is inspiration to go on. At two weeks of not smoking we are getting a little less irritable. At several weeks of self-hypnosis implanting positive suggestions we are beginning to feel like we are ok and not worthless. Six month not drinking and Jeff is not thinking about as much any more. The chapters of the book are finally flowing so much easier.
Yes we are beginning to see the mountaintop, that realization of YES. The rabid dog at our heel's that continually said no is dead.
And yes this came from persistence a dogged determination, anger focused into positive action. The person who shuts down the feelings of anger and frustration more often than not goes into depression and quits. What many think of as negative emotions when accepted and focused into positive action are now incredible allies.
Persistence is not weak, it is often deep gut wrenching tears , I hate this experience, I am not giving up you bastards.
Of course it’s not always that emotional. At some point it all does become easier, on too easy, on to this is cake. But cake came by persisting.
Look at the gain in personal power that feeling that so many new age guru’s are trying to sell with out having to work, effort, another quick pill do this and it will all fall into place BS. When you and finally get to grab that gold ring it was by expressing and putting flame to our personal power, by recognizing the spirit within.
The master poet, musician, artist, healer, engineer, dancer or scientist got there by sweat, tears, frustration, anger, hope and injections of inspiration into persistence.
Yes injections of inspiration, the movie Avatar, The Cove, Rabbit-proof Fence, the book Shantaram, Jonathan Livingston seagull, The Prophet, find dig for stories of inspiration and also remember some things do come easy, its not all a bitch.
Discover the Magic http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Please keep in mind that opposites are and invention not literal in nature. Opposites split the mind, instead of one mind we have two, as in I love sex but I feel guilty, I feel hate but I know its wrong so I will block the feeling. I don’t believe in this product I am selling but I have act enthusiastic. We are feeling one thing and believing we should be feeling something different or we are thinking and acting out caring when we really don’t like this person. We act like we understand when we don’t. The list goes on but I am sure you get the point.
Body and mind are one, not two, not three, not four, it’s like the head going one way and the body trying to go another. Night and day are often treated as opposites, where does night leave off and day begin, Love and Hate is a biggie for most people, hate allowed will often lead back to love, children hate the parent for a scolding or when they are made to feel separate, their anger is a desire to get back to love. We don’t hate anyone we don’t have feelings for or care about the emotion is not opposite. It is the same moving in a different direction, as in south and north, turn the planet upside down, now where is north and south.
The word death is thought to be the opposite of life, the word death means ending, finality etc, but in nature there is no such thing as death. In nature there is only transformation you can’t destroy energy you can only change its form.
We are so identified with words that at some level we believe the word is the thing. Bob thinks he is Bob he of course could change his name at any time just as a person can go from being a Catholic to being a Buddhist. Drink the word water spend the word money can the word love hold your hand. The word points to something but it is not the something it points to.
The identification we feel with a word is due to emotion, and we are the ones who attach emotion to a word, not the opposite. The word fuck can illicit a lot of emotion from some people but if they don’t speak English it elicits no emotion. When we feel the emotion we feel the word is real like it has substance it is we who give it this feeling by our beliefs. Now there is nothing wrong with any of this, in fact its fun, creative, illuminating. A writer as and example use words to express emotion.
Lets go back to the word death, now that can bring up all sorts of emotion because of all the cultural beliefs attached to it. But by understanding that we by our beliefs attach all the emotional feeling to it, we can then detach and realize the word death is not death, not the thing that it expresses.
Why is this so important in consciousness? We are hooked by words, sin, karma, heaven, hell, self, no self, fuck up, failure, successful. I am sure by now you get the point. We are controlled by words this one is dynamite “Patriotism”, young people will go to war and kill commit a lot of acts that at another level many do not believe in. But to not go to war means they are unpatriotic a coward are against the very country they live in. All of these feelings by the way are often unspoken. The feelings are often so strong that the person will go against there own inner knowing. Remember Bush and the smoking gun, the words and the rhetoric brought a whole country to war when in fact no treat existed, all done with words. The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword.
Understanding that the word is not the thing is a leap in consciousness, the manipulators loose control and we gain the personal to power to take actions that are congruent with who we are. Let me say that again congruent with who we are.
The individual who doesn’t go to war because they don’t believe in it, is congruent with there inner self, the person who will not get married just for the money because that is what they think and feel is right is being congruent with their own knowing this is and act of wholeness.
When words are used to split us as in sin, sinner or when we are made to feel shame we loose that feeling of wholeness, and we also loose self esteem. Self-esteem is based on our inner connection to conscience and intuition. We were not born a vacuum, empty, as many would like us to believe. Nature has a natural congruency. Kundalini is and energetic process that brings us back into a state of oneness. Kundalini is a unifying energy.
Self-confidence self esteem, self worth are all based on connection to this inner congruency, which includes intuition. Intuition is our direct line to intelligence to nature to the cosmos. With the destruction of self-trust we loose or distance our self from this inner knowing. The ability to know that and earthquake is coming is more natural than not. Intuition or psychic is natural to the human species, it is not special or and aberration.
Words are used to create this disconnection, cancer, rape, sin, murder, smoking gun words often used in a way to create fear, when in fact no actual threat exist Church and governments use fear and guilt to control. Fearful people want more controls not trusting that the innate character of human nature is good and therefore teachable without this type of control or manipulation.
When the natural is distorted it becomes twisted. All people have a distinct shade; a color prejudice is a distortion of this energetic awareness. Nudity is wrong is another distortion of what is natural.
Dichotomy by its nature splits the mind we no longer think holistically; no longer see the world round as a whole. We instead think in terms of right and wrong, as in Republican and Democrat, we think according to the group we belong to rather than thinking as and individual. If we examine many things that appear as opposites we begin to see the similarities and often find there is no difference except in words, In Christianity we have heaven and hell, in Buddhism we have nirvana and continual rebirth till we get it right.
Hypnosis works with words and words work with hypnosis because of our belief and emotional attachment to them. Religious teachings are a from of mass hypnosis, I am not saying right or wrong, bad or good, simply it is a from of conditioning just as is any form of allegiance that we repeat over and over till it become and automatic process, just like driving a car, this automatic process often serves us in beneficial way, and often not, the wisdom to know what is serving us and what is not of service to our human nature, that is intelligence in action.
To sum up Kundalini being a unifying process dissolves those conditions that are not congruent with nature, it brings us back into a state of oneness.
THINK ROUND instead of linear. http://www.coolzenhealing.com/Books.htm