The truth and nothing but the truth. Learn the Secret and it will all come to you like cotton candy floating on the breeze. NO it will not. I have seen the best of it, and the worse. Made ten thousand dollars a week during the seventies doing seminars on new mind thought. People sent me money lots of it as gifts. I watched students heal themselves of cancer, arthritis and the list goes on. So am I just being negative, jealous of the financial success of many of the people doing this, Yes and no, yes I would love the financial success, but there is way more to it than that. I am hoping that you think your life is more than money, stuff, big houses, fancy cars. Yes the stuff is nice, but lets put it in balance, in perspective of the whole of life.
Have you ever got your self all worked up, high on a dream, and idea a romance, the right him or her, to get dropped off a cliff. I hope you have, yes I hope you have. Not that I am wishing you failure but realize that failure is part of the process, part of the insight, part of becoming conscious, part of enlightenment, it is the wolf sneaking in the tall grass telling you to watch your ass. Sufi Saying "Trust in God but Tie Your Camel to a Tree". If you get into the new mind thought some of it will work like magic, right now, you will attract lovers, money, jobs etc. You will float on the understanding that we create our reality. Yes and you will say I am of the Gods, and you will be right. well at least half right. The other side of the coin is that there will be area's in your life that will be big time just one hassle after another, failure, up and down and around till you think your worthless, can't seem to get it, you will feel blind sided, feel like you just can't get it. In these places you and I are the most blind, we don't see our unconsciousness, our actions that lead to failure, our conditioned feelings that lead us to lots of missteps in this area of perhaps, relationships, money or interpersonal communication etc. And I guarantee if you are human they exist, none of us came with a perfect house, nor will we leave with a perfect house. But these area of unconsciousness offer us some of the most valuable insights if pursued with out the attitude that it will all come to me easily and effortlessly, we can win in these area's of difficulty when we truly accept that we are not at FAULT, but that we are at a lack of awareness and need to look a bit deeper, get help, sit back have a coffee etc.
The unfortunate part of so much of the people in the new age thought is there are only giving you half the equation. Think on this that if a lot of our idea's were not dysfunctional would we be in the current, financial, environmental, human relations difficulties that we are having. Obviously not. And none of us are pure and separated from some of these dysfunctional belief structures. The garden can not just be planted it must be weeded at the same time, or we will have lots more of what we already have personally and collectively. In American we like to think of ourselves as strong, Independent, stead fast, free etc and the myth goes on. There is only one air, one breath, one sky, one ocean, like it or not we are all in this together, without that understanding the New Mind Taught, The Secret etc is being built on a sand foundation. http://www.coolzenhealing.com/DiscovertheMagic.htm